break in

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The next day everything was fine between us. We both pretended like nothing was said, and it was...normal.

But I couldn't forget what happened.

"Alright, Brain Zero, go kick some ass out there." I snickered, slapping Katsuki on the back. He grumbled, glaring at me through his mask with tiny explosions coming out of his palms. I chortled. He flipped me off, then proceeded to walk out the door.


I sighed and sat down on the couch, switching the channel on the TV so I could binge watch F/S. I held a large plushie in my arms, anticipating the next scene, when...


A man with red scleras, deep red hair, and some sort of feline ears broke down the front door, walking into the room. I sat up, mildly shocked. This was a relatively quiet neighborhood, so why was a villain here? He scanned the room, sniffing the air, and then his eyes stopped on me. The man smirked.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" He chuckled, licking his lips. I shuddered.

"Uh, what do you want from me? Why are you here?"

The man paused and scratched behind one of his ears, still gazing at me with his disturbingly red eyes.

"I picked up the scent of the pro hero Ground Zero here, so I followed it so I could eliminate him. But looks like I found somethin' better~! Someone as cute as you shouldn't stay at home bored. I'll take you with me and we can play a lot~!" He purred, stepping forward and reaching out towards me. My eyes widened.

"Oh hell no."

A bubble appeared, trapping the cat-like man. The villain growled, extending his sharp nails like claws and trying to escape the bubble. I clenched my fist a bit and the bubble slightly shrunk, making him yelp. I glared darkly at him, moving towards the round, shiny prison.

"This bubble can explode any time I want, you know. So I suggest keeping still and not to struggle unless you wanna be blown to bits." I snapped, making the man jump. His ears flattened against his head and he hissed, not moving. I grabbed my phone to dial the police, still watching the bubble.

"Hello? I'd like to report a break-in by a villain. Yes, I've captured him. I live in the apartment complex by Rose Bakery, on the second floor. Alright, thank you." I hung up the call and sat on the couch calmly, nonchalantly waiting for the cops to arrive. I smiled sweetly at the villain, tapping my foot against the ground. He blushed slightly.

An officer walked into the house, followed by a stream of reporters who were flashing their cameras and whipping out their microphones. He sighed and walked up to me, eyeing the giant hardened bubble containing the flustered villain. The reporters quickly surrounded me.

"You're Y/N L/N, correct? Is this the villain you reported about?" The officer questioned, tilting his head. I nodded, getting uncomfortable by all the reporters bustling around me filming. One reporter flashed a smile at me and held a microphone up to my face.

"Are you the same Y/N L/N who was seen with Ground Zero recently?" She demanded. I grew nervous. I didn't want to expose too many details about Katsuki's personal life, let alone mine. He'd kill me.

"Um, yeah. That's me." I mumbled, giving the camera and awkward smile and wave. The flashing lights of cameras grew more furious, and many reporters were making a large commotion. The officer sighed.

"Miss Y/N, Miss Y/N! Your quirk seems quite useful and powerful, will you ever become a hero in the future?" Another reporter questioned. I scratched the back of my neck.

"I never really thought about it before, to be honest... I did go to a lesser-known hero school a while back, but I'm not sure. Guess you'll have to wait to find out!" I chuckled slightly, glancing at the reporters. The clamor grew stronger, and eventually the officer told them to leave. I exhaled in relief, collapsing on the couch. The officer patted my shoulder as he walked past me.

"You know, you wouldn't make a bad hero, lady." He said, walking around the splintered remains of the door and leaving. My heart and mind raced in excitement. Me, a hero? That didn't sound too bad. I laughed and un-paused the TV, resuming my show. I shivered at the cold air the blew in due to the door being fucking gone.

An hour or so later, Katsuki stormed in, looking angrier than ever. He ripped off his head gear and his mask and stared at me, eyes wild.

"What the fuck did you do. Did you even see the goddamn news?!" He yelled, voice a combination of pissed and...worried? I shook my head in confusion, switching the channel to a news station. A clip played of me staring awkwardly at the camera, waving. Another clip played, this time of a reporter asking if I would become a hero.

  Oh shit. That's what I did.

  "...Guess you'll have to wait to find out!"

  Katsuki jumped over the couch and turned off the TV, then turned around and glared at me.

  "You're not becoming a fucking hero."

  My eyes widened in shock.

  "W-why not? I've already got a bit of experience from the past!" Katsuki gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He harshly pointed to a scar running along the side of his arm.

  "You'll get hurt, dumbass. Being a hero isn't as easy as it looks." He snapped. I looked down at the floor. Why was he being like this? My jaw clenched and I looked back up, my gaze harsh and icy.

  And then I said something I was going to regret.

  "So what? We're not dating or anything, so why the hell do you care? Just leave me alone!"

  Katsuki's crimson eyes flashed with hurt, his fists clenching tighter. He messed up his hair in frustration, sighing. My heart panged.

  "Yeah, you're right. Do whatever you wanna do, I guess." Katsuki said blandly. He removed his shoulder piece and tossed it on the ground, walking away. His face was emotionless as he opened the door to his room and entered it. He quietly shut the door.

  My eyes pricked with tears for some reason. I felt like such a bitchy little hypocrite, lashing out at him and then getting angry when he did it to me.

  'Dammit, Katsuki, why didn't you react like you normally would?'

housekey (katsuki bakugo x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz