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"WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK DOES 'IT'S A SECRET' MEAN, DUMBASS?!" I screeched as we walked into the apartment, closing the door behind us. Katsuki was basically pissing his pants laughing.

"I wanted to mess with the media a bit! Ahahaha, you look so fucking stupid right now!" He cackled, slapping the back of the couch. I growled, cheeks flaming red. He snickered and flopped onto the couch, turning on the TV. He leaned his head backwards and grinned at me.

"Let's see what the latest headline is right now, shall we?"

The channel switched to the news, and on the screen was me standing next to Katsuki in his hero costume. It showed a clip of him smirking at the camera and "shush"-ing it. I was staring up at him with an idiotic expression, my eyes wide and face pink. The Katsuki on the screen stared into my eyes.

"That's a secret."

My face flushed even more, and I read the caption as I sat down next to the real Katsuki.

'Ground Zero Has A Lover?!'

Katsuki snickered at my horrified expression as I stared at the reporters discussing what relationship I had with him. I buried my head in my knees and hugged myself in order to block Katsuki from seeing my face and me from seeing his. I heard a chuckle and felt a tap on my shoulder.

"No need to be embarrassed, I was just joking around. No one's gonna take it seriously, and it's probably not gonna spread." He laughed. The doorbell rang. I opened the door to be face to face with a very anxious looking Kaminari. He jumped when he saw me, and gasped dramatically, grabbing my shoulders.

"Mama Y/N, are you really dating Bakugo?! Everyone's taking it super seriously, and it's spreading like wildfire!" He shouted, shaking me a bit. My head flopped back and forth as my face gradually got redder.

"Oi, close the door, Sparky, you're letting the cold air in." Katsuki barked from the couch, lazily stretching. Kaminari complied, still holding onto my shoulders. He turned back to me, staring seriously into my eyes with his golden ones.

"Did you hit your head and accidentally fall in love with Bakugo, Y/N? Tell me the truth-"

"No, you idiot, me and Y/N aren't fucking together." Katsuki grumbled, switching the TV off and getting up. Kaminari sighed in relief, releasing my shoulders. I coughed a bit.

  "Uh, is that all you were here for?" I asked, tilting my head. Kaminari turned red and scratched the back of his neck.

  "Uh, yeah...hehe, sorry." He mumbled, grinning sheepishly. I got an idea. Why not hang out with him for a bit longer? He came a long way, after all. I smiled widely and grabbed his arm, dragging him to the kitchen table.


  Confused, he sat in a chair as I grabbed my art supplies out of the drawer. Katsuki  pulled out a chair next to me and put his feet up on the table. As I set my paints down, I smacked his feet off.

  "What are you, a middle schooler? Learn some manners." I scolded, picking up a paintbrush and staring at Kaminari for a couple seconds. He gave me a confused grin, giving a half wave. I smiled back at him and leaned back towards my canvas, dipping my brush into a yellow watercolor. I hummed my favorite song as I stroked and blended, occasionally dabbing small amounts of other colors into my painting. Katsuki studied as I painted.

  "Nah, you need to make him look more stupid." He snickered. Kaminari stuck his tongue out at him, making Katsuki flip him off. I laughed at both of their actions, glancing back at Kaminari. I squinted.

  "Bring your face forward a bit more." I instructed. He complied, leaning forward. I frowned, grabbing Kaminari's face and smushing it a bit, bringing it forward. He turned crimson and his face started to grow warmer, then I let him go. I quickly returned to my painting, oblivious to the pissed off look I was getting from Katsuki.

  "Alright, I'm just about finished!" I said as I did one final flick across the canvas. I blew on the paint, and then flipped the painting around for Kaminari to see. His jaw dropped.

  "H-how did you- what the-"

  I giggled as I handed the portrait to him. Katsuki leaned back and stretched once more, narrowing his eyes at Kaminari. Kaminari beamed at me.

  "Wow, I can't express how happy I am you made me this! Thanks, mom!" He laughed, carefully setting it down on the table. I laughed, too.

  "To be honest, I kinda enjoyed it. Your eyes were probably my favorite thing to paint, they're gorgeous, like gold coins!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together. Kaminari blushed and hid his face, squeaking. I burst out laughing. Katsuki growled, harshly slamming his feet back on the table. I glanced over at him, laughter dying down. He looked genuinely angry. Kaminari seemed to notice this, too.

  "Um, if you aren't doing anything after this, wanna join us for dinner?" I questioned, putting away my supplies. Kaminari shook his head.

  "Nah, I've overstayed my welcome. Thanks for the painting, though, I'll treasure it!"

  Kaminari waved at both of us and left the apartment with the painting in his arms, shutting the door behind him. I sighed and looked over at Katsuki again. He was on his phone, angrily swiping on it.

  "What's wrong? Before Kaminari came you were fine, now you're acting like someone shat on your food." I said, wiping the table. He shut off his phone and crossed his arms, glaring at me.

  "Why do you treat other people so much better than how you treat me, huh? I don't recall ever getting a fucking painting from you, and I've known you longer than Sparky has." Katsuki said lowly, still staring at me. Good question.

  "That's because they aren't you." I answered, aware that probably wasn't the best answer I could give. He breathed out and chuckled lightly, running a hand through his hair.

  "I don't get it. One moment you're acting cute and shit, and the next you're insulting me and pissing me off. I can't tell whether I like it or hate it." Katsuki groaned, taking his feet off the table. My mouth gaped open. What?

He glanced at me one last time and then shook his head, walking off to his room.

"You're hard to figure out, shitty Y/N L/N."

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