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Katsuki and I hadn't spoken in two days. Not even during meals. But today, I decided to talk. I looked up at Katsuki from my plate. He seemed more pissed than usual these past couple days, and today was no exception.

"So what's the deal with you and Midoriya?" I said loudly. Katsuki slammed his fork onto his plate and got up from the table.

"I think I'm done eating."

I shot up out of my seat and grabbed his wrist tightly.

"Answer the question. You've been acting bitchier lately and I'm sick of it. Now, what's the deal with you two?" I growled. Katsuki turned his head and glared at me. I glared back. I didn't know why exactly I felt so angry when he didn't talk to me, but all I knew was that it wasn't normal.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, now fully turning to me.

"We were enemies all throughout our lives. I hate him." He said, voice dripping with venom. I raised a brow.

"And what exactly do I have to do with this?" I questioned impatiently. He looked at me like I was the dumbest person in the world.

"You talked to him. That's basically fucking fraternizing with the enemy." Katsuki said angrily, jerking his hand away from me. My eyes closed as I rubbed my temples, refraining from screaming or going full psycho on this bitch. I inhaled, then exhaled deeply.

"Look, how about this. When I talk to him or I'm with him, I won't come near you. In fact, you won't even know about it. Truce?" I said, extending my hand. Katsuki looked at it and scoffed, turning his head to the side and looking away.

"Yeah, whatever."

I narrowed my eyes.

"Why does it bother you so much?" I demanded, stepping closer to him. He glanced at me, then sighed angrily.

"Shit, just- just don't worry about it. I don't know, okay? Truce." Katsuki took my hand and roughly shook it. I nodded my head and went to the dishwasher to place my plate and utensils into it. Katsuki sat down on the couch, seemingly less angry than before. Finally. He suddenly got up and grabbed his suit, changing into it and heading out the door. I rushed out of the kitchen and came to his side. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Katsuki demanded. I shrugged.

"I'm bored, so I'm gonna come with you and watch you fight." I said nonchalantly, checking my nails. He stopped walking, eyeing me up and down.

"No way in hell, idiot. You're gonna do something stupid, and get your ass hurt. Go back." He barked, pointing to the apartment building. I shook my head, firmly staying in place. Katsuki narrowed his eyes.

"Don't make me carry your ass back there." He hissed, still pointing to the complex. I didn't budge. He groaned in exasperation and pushed his hair back. Finally, he turned to me.

"You're a stubborn little shit, you know that? Fine, but don't complain if you end up with debris lodged in your face." Katsuki snapped, now starting to jog. I jogged along beside him until we came to a stop. I heard screaming and lots of cameras clicking as Katsuki and I walked through the large crowd that was gathering. I stopped at the front of the crowd and examined the situation. A large, muscular villain had a girl hostage in what seemed to be a thick glass cage. His head turned as Katsuki stomped towards him. The villain grinned.

"Ohoho, a hero? How exciting! I can't wait to pound you to a pulp!"

With one blast, Katsuki broke the glass. The villain did a double take, as well as me. I forgot how powerful he was. Katsuki cracked his knuckles and grinned menacingly at the enemy. The man cowered in fear.

"Now, we can do this shit the easy way, or the hard way. Either way, your ass is going down." Katsuki growled. The crowd went quiet. The man trembled more for a couple seconds, then...

"Fine, fine! You win, I give up!" The crowd went wild. The police arrived to capture the villain as I rushed up to Katsuki before I was drowned by the sea of people.

"Uh, good job, I guess?" I said confusedly, giving him a thumbs up. He smirked at me and ruffled my hair, making my face heat up. The hostage ran up to Katsuki, blushing.

"T-thank you for saving me, Ground Zero!" She squeaked, wrapping her arms around him. He looked surprised, and awkwardly patted her head. My heart cringed.

'Don't touch him, trick ass bitch- WAIT WHAT-'

I slapped both of my cheeks and shook my head to clear the weird thoughts from my brain. I forced a smile and cleared my throat loudly. Katsuki looked over at me and wriggled out of the girl's grasp, making her pout. He nodded at her and once again she blushed, then bowed and walked away to the police. Katsuki grinned at me, raising a brow.

"Jealous, eh?" He teased, making me choke on air. I glared at him and hit his arm.

"Deflate your ego, will ya?" I grumbled, making him chuckle. My heart thumped loudly. Just then, a group of reporters came flocking up to me and Katsuki, making me jump.

  "Ground Zero, Ground Zero!"

  "Look this way!"

  "Who's that with you?!"

  "What is that girl to you?!"

  At that last question, I flinched. He'd probably say something stupid like 'just an idiot.' I glanced at Katsuki, who was smirking at the cameras and reporters. He put a finger up to his lips and winked.

  "That's a secret."

housekey (katsuki bakugo x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя