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"Katsuki. Just. Fucking. Do. It."

I struggled to pull Katsuki to the sink, urging him to wash the dishes. He didn't budge. Curse my weak bones.

"That's not fair, you're stronger than me, asshole. It's your turn to do the fucking dishes." I whined, still trying to pull the angry behemoth. A vein pulsed in his forehead.

"I did them last time after you made F/F, it's your turn, dumbass bitch." He said, looking down at his phone. My eyebrow twitched, and I grabbed it out of his hands. He roared and tried grabbing it back, only to have me turn my back to him.

"The fuck are you doing?!"

"Since your ungrateful ass refused to do the dishes, this is your punishment."

I pressed a contact number, dialing it, and waiting. I made sure to put it on speaker. The person on the other end picked up.

"Hey, Bakubro! It's odd to have you call me randomly like this, what's up?" Kirishima chirped. Katsuki facepalmed and walked towards the sink, grabbing dish soap and a sponge. I smirked.

"Oh, hey Kirishima! It's me, Y/N! I was wondering if you wanted to come over right now?" I cheerily said, eyeing my roommate as he vigorously scrubbed a pan.

"Sure! I'm gonna bring Kaminari, if that's all right with you."

"Kaminari?" I questioned. Katsuki's expression seemed to get darker as he grumbled under his breath.

"Oh, you know him as Chargebolt. He's been bugging me to get Katsuki to agree to meet you again."

"Well, sure. More the merrier, right?" Katsuki banged his head on the counter.

  "Alright! See you later!" He hung up. I looked up and smiled deviously at Katsuki, him glaring back in return.

  "Are you gonna be a good boy and do the dishes from now on when it's your turn?" I purred, setting his phone on the table. He growled, and reluctantly nodded. I smirked.

'Having all this power is great.'

The doorbell rang. I ran over to the door and opened it, revealing two brightly smiling boys.

  "Heya, mom!" Kaminari said cheerfully, grinning. Kirishima smiled and waved at me.

"Hey, son." I replied, chuckling. Kaminari's face turned pink and he goofily smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Well, don't just stand there, come in!" I exclaimed, moving out of the way. The two men walked in, shutting the door behind them. Katsuki glared at them and growled as they headed closer towards him.

"Great, two dumbasses." He snapped. I shot a look at him. Kirishima and Kaminari laughed and put Katsuki in a friendly headlock, making him scream in rage. I snickered at his misfortune.

"You guys want some cake?" I asked as Katsuki chased them around the room. He stopped in his tracks and narrowed his eyes at me.

"No one's getting the fucking cake." He snarled, making me frown. I mean, sure I made it for him, but I was trying to be a good host here.

"Bruh, you had like, 3/4 of it already. Let them have the rest, they're our guests." I lectured my roommate. Katsuki stayed silent, gritting his teeth. The room went quiet, me and Katsuki keeping eye contact with each other, then Kirishima cleared his throat.

"Thanks, Y/N, but we don't need it. Water would be nice, though." My eyes flickered to him and my expression turned back to normal. I nodded, heading to the fridge. I grabbed four cups and filled them with water, starting to head back to the living room, when I slipped. Time seemed to slow down as I was falling, bracing for impact, then someone caught me. I looked up, expecting to see Kirishima or Kaminari, but instead I was met with the scowling face of Katsuki.

My eyes widened in shock as Kirishima grabbed the cups from my hands and walked to the living room.


Katsuki promptly dropped me on the ground, walking away. I winced as I rubbed my back, slowly getting up. My back hurt like hell. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and walked into the living room. Katsuki glared at me as I sat down on the couch. I shot a glare back at him, grumbling while opening my beer. He took the beer out of my hands and held it out of my reach. I growled at him.

  "You know how you fucking get when you drink. Go get some soda or something." He said lowly. We all stared at him.

  "How does she get when she drinks?" Kaminari questioned. Kirishima glanced over at me. I clenched my fists.

  "Yeah, Katsuki, how do I get when I drink?" I said through gritted teeth. I hadn't had a drink in a while, so him insinuating something was irritating. Katsuki shook his head and harshly shoved my beer back into my hands.

  "Whatever. Take it, but don't fucking say I didn't warn you."

  I sneered at him and downed the drink, staring him in the eyes the whole time. The two boys stared at me in shock the whole time, whilst my asshole roommate just scoffed. I finished the last of the beer and slammed the can down on the coffee table, laughing loudly.

  "Whoo, I needed that! See, dumbass, I'm fucking fine!" I shouted, slurring my words a bit. Oh no. It started to slowly hit, my vision blurring a bit and my mind becoming fuzzy. I leaned onto Kaminari's shoulder, giggling. His face turned a visible shade of red as I grabbed his cheeks, smushing his face.

  "Kami-chan, you should get us all beers, I wanna drink more!" I exclaimed, grinning. He scratched the back of his neck as he glanced over at Katsuki, who didn't look too happy with my behavior.

  "I-I don't know-"

  I pulled his face closer to mine, giving him puppy dog eyes.

  "Pleaseee? For me?" I whined. He gave in, getting up and walking over to the fridge. I got up, too, and hopped onto Kirishima's lap. He chuckled a bit at my antics. I giggled and ground my hips into his, making his face drop and blush.

  "Alright, idiot, that's enough."

  Katsuki picked me up by my armpits and set me down on the couch, looking at me angrily. I giggled and poked him.

  "Never thought I'd fucking say this, but apologize to Shitty Hair. You made him uncomfortable." He said sternly. I thought of how much of a dad he sounded like, after always telling me I sounded like a mom, and snorted. I looked over Katsuki's shoulder and gave Kirishima a child like pout.

  "I'm sorry, Kiri-chan..." I said. Kirishima was still a little pink, but he grinned at me and nodded.

  "It's okay, Y/N, I know you can't control yourself right now! I think it would be best if Kaminari and I left now, though. Don't want you to do anything else you regret." He exclaimed, chuckling a bit. I pouted a bit as Kaminari walked out of the kitchen, following Kirishima to the door. They both smiled at me.

  "Later, bros!"

  "See ya guys."

  The door shut behind them, leaving me and Katsuki. I put my head on his shoulder, giggling and nuzzling him. He pulled away, watching the TV. Shit, what am I doing? I grinned and grabbed his arm, feeling it thoroughly.

  "Wow, Brain Zero, you really have some biceps on ya, huh?" I chirped, sliding my arms towards his chest. He twitched and growled at me, eyeing me intensely.

  "And your chest too, so soft but firm at the same time! You have better tiddies than me! Your abs are rock solid, too, wow!" I chuckled, starting to feel dizzier. Why was I doing this? It wasn't right, imagine if a guy did that to me! More importantly...

  ...why wasn't Katsuki stopping me?

  "I wonder if your lower half is toned, too..." My hands started to make their way lower and lower, until...

  Katsuki grabbed my wrists and slammed me against the couch, breathing heavily. His eyes seemed conflicted, but angry nonetheless. His hot breaths hit my face, making me feel hot, too. Katsuki leaned in closer. I felt even warmer, almost uncomfortably warm.

  "If you go any further, I'm not gonna control myself. I'm a man, after all." He said huskily. I couldn't take any more of the unbearable heat, and passed out.

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