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"Miss L/N, will you be alright walking home by yourself?"

I smiled and nodded at the police officer who questioned me.

"I'll be okay. I don't live very far-"

"I'll walk her home."

I turned to the sound of the voice, which was Midoriya, or "Deku". His eyes held determination. Katsuki gritted his teeth and opened his mouth to say something, before getting cut off.

"Well, alright then. Make sure she gets home safe." The officer said, scratching his head. Midoriya nodded and patted my arm, signaling me to go. I walked out, face emotionless. No words were exchanged between us.

Almost to the apartment, I turned to him.

"Thanks for saving me, Midoriya."

  He coughed and spluttered, looking shocked through the mask.

  "W-who's this Midoriya you speak of? Hehe..." Midoriya laughed nervously. When we reached my apartment, I smiled softly and removed his mask. His eyes were wide with amazement and his jaw hung open.

  "Kirishima kinda let it slip when I was last talking to him. I don't plan on exposing you, though. I'm not that kind of person." I laughed quietly. Midoriya chuckled, and a heartfelt smile was on his face.

  There were a couple moments of silence, then I hugged him. He tensed up and again started stuttering. I held him tighter to me to prevent tears from escaping.

  "Thanks for saving me, Midoriya. You're a kind person." I mumbled. Midoriya relaxed and patted my head. I let go of him and fake smiled, running up the stairs. I was about to open the door, when...


  I stopped in my tracks and turned around. Midoriya was a bright shade of red, his fists were clenched at his side.

  "Call me Izuku." He called out. I tried my best to smile at him, mind still swirling with thoughts from earlier.

"Bye, Izuku."

And with that, I walked into my apartment and closed the door. Katsuki was sitting on the couch, changed into normal clothes and watching the news. He glanced over at me as I sat down at the table and took out my easel and paints from a kitchen drawer where I kept my art supplies. I didn't know what I was painting, I just brushed across the canvas mindlessly, letting my heart decide what to do.

One stroke. Two strokes. Three strokes. Every stroke I made seemed to make me feel worse. I averted my eyes from the canvas until I felt I was done. Even then, I was scared to look at what I made. Katsuki walked over to me and studied the painting, furrowing his brows. I looked up at him blankly, faintly smiling.

"It's shit, isn't it." He sat down in a chair, arm draped over one side.

"You won't know unless you look."


"I don't want to, so..."

Please don't make me.

"Look at it, Y/N."

Please stop.

"I said no."

I don't want to see my true emotions. I'll just hide them.

"Dammit, Y/N, fucking come to terms with your emotions! If you wanna cry, cry! The idiot I know doesn't hold back when it comes to this shit! Now LOOK." Katsuki yelled, grabbing my chin. I squeezed my eyes shut, struggling not to look. Then...

"Please, Y/N."

I looked.

Blue, light blue, black. Dots of white. A steady stream of tears coming out of a girl's eyes. A girl that resembled me. A couple tears dripped down my cheeks. Then, more and more flowed out. I sobbed, finally breaking down the walls that were preventing me from crying. Katsuki hesitantly embraced me, stroking my back. I clutched onto his tank top, still weeping.

  "It's okay. It'll be okay." He muttered. That made me cry more.

  "I couldn't do anything, I couldn't save her, I'm useless! All I could do was sit there and cry, like I'm doing now, and because of me everything's gone to shit!" I screamed, pounding on his chest. He grabbed me by my shoulders and narrowed his eyes.

  "It's not your fault, you dumbass, she told you not to do anything, right? Stop blaming yourself over this, you're not useless!" Katsuki growled. My heart clenched, tears still falling down my face. I lowered my head as I remembered what the police told me, as they took me aside and muttered words that I couldn't bear to hear.

  'Michiru Nakahara is dead.'

  I looked back up at Katsuki and shook my head. I struggled to say the words that I feared so much.

  "Michiru's dead." I finally choked out, tears welling up again. His eyes widened.


  "From strangulation. I didn't save her in time, I-I couldn't do anything-"

  Katsuki groaned and covered my mouth with his hand.

  "Just...shut up already. Listen. She knew you were trying to protect her, and she was probably damn proud of you. You were just listening to what she said, right? So you did everything you could."

"Katsuki..." I sobbed, burying my head once again into his chest. He sighed and patted my back.

'I misjudged him, didn't I? Even though he can be an asshole, he's really a good guy, huh?'

"What am I gonna do with you, shitty Y/N..."

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