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Kirishima, Kaminari and I walked into a cozy looking coffee shop. I released their arms from my demon grip and grinned, excited to be out and about with friends. They made a reservation and we headed towards a booth. I sat down, grabbing a small menu and looking at the choices. Kaminari took a seat next to me, leaving Kirishima to sit on the other side.

  "So, what do you wanna get, Y/N? Remember, it's our treat." Kirishima said, clapping his hands together. I tapped my chin in thought, going over the menu one more time, then my eyes lit up.


  I smiled and pointed to the option, making the boys both nod and wave over a waiter. A young male waiter headed in our direction, notepad ready in hand. He smiled at us.

  "Hiya! What can I get for you today?"

  "I'll have coffee, please, with two creams and three sugars."

  "I'll have lemonade."

  "And I'll have F/D, please."

  The waiter nodded in acknowledgment, writing down the orders, then walked away. Suddenly, thoughts I wish would leave rushed into my head.

  'Katsuki's probably mad, huh.'

  'Maybe I shouldn't have snapped on him like that.'

  'Shit. Katsuki.'

  My mind raced with these thoughts, and the blandness from worrying that was in my mouth made me unable to enjoy my drink.


  "Later, boys. If you ever wanna hang again, just call or text me, 'kay?" I said loudly, waving at the two men as I sent them off from the outside of the apartment. Kirishima grinned and gave me a thumbs up, while Kaminari winked at me and smiled. I didn't notice the door opening, and I chuckled and turned around to be face to face with a very flustered girl who looked like she was on the verge of tears. Her eyes widened and she nodded at me before quickly rushing off. What the fuck?

  On the couch lay Katsuki, shirt unbuttoned and covered in a thin layer of sweat. The smell of perfume and alcohol came from him, and his chest heaved up and down. His eyes bore into mine for a good 10 seconds, before I broke the eye contact and walked into the kitchen. His eyes followed me as I walked back out with a can of soda. I plopped down on the couch next to him and opened it, taking a sip.

  "So who was that?" I said out loud, eyeing something pink on the ground. It was a used condom. My nose wrinkled in disgust. Katsuki snorted and sat up, breathing more steadily now. He glared at me.

"None of your goddamn business, that's who." He mocked me from earlier, making me sharply inhale. This bitch.

"It is my business when you're fucking leaving shit like this around, asshole." I said disgustedly as I pinched the top of the condom, holding it up for him to see. Katsuki just rolled his eyes. I growled.

"You're lucky I don't launch this shit in your face right now. In case you're forgetting, two people live here." I snapped, getting up from the couch and tossing the offending item in the trash. Katsuki laughed spitefully.

"Well, now, jealous that you're not the one getting my dick? Don't worry, she's just a one night stand." He said, leaning in closer to my face. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. My breathing grew shaky and my face reddened in embarrassment and anger. So that was why that girl looked like she was gonna cry. Because of him.

"You're drunk."

Katsuki tilted his head backwards to laugh.

"What, so I can't fucking have fun once in a while? Yesterday you were the one drunk, remember?" I lowered my head in shame. Maybe I was being a hypocrite, but this whole situation was because he couldn't clean up his mess. Katsuki leaned in even closer, teeth grazing my neck.

"No need to be jealous. All you need to do is say the word and my dick is y-"


A bright red hand mark was prominent on the explosive man's face. His eyes were wide in shock, his fingers touching the place where I hit him. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes and threatened to spill out.

"Go to hell, Katsuki Bakugo." I spat, a couple of tears escaping. Dammit. I got up off the couch and stormed into my room, slamming the door behind me. I turned my music all the way up and buried my head into my pillow, slightly sobbing.

Why the fuck was I crying over such an asshole?

It wasn't like I liked him.

From his mood swings to his unpredictable behavior, Katsuki Bakugo was a ticking time bomb. And I didn't wanna touch that.

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