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Falling asleep that night proved to be an easy feat for both. Having been out in the sun for hours, swimming, and playing a game of volleyball tired them out completely. They didn't even remember how they got up to their room.

Bucky took a shower first to wash off all the sand and salt that stuck to his body. His skin stung as the hot water pelted against it but it relaxed his muscles at the same time. Although he had his fun earlier today, the question Sam had asked still hung around in his head.

What wasn't there to like about Ava? Over the past couple of months, he had gotten to know her pretty well because of Peggy and Steve. She was kind, smart, funny, and absolutely beautiful. He knew he was in deep when he couldn't get her off his mind. Dreams became about her, songs reminded him of her, and he saw her in every woman he brought home.

The hard knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts, Ava's muffled voice asking him when he was going to finish and then something about falling asleep full of sand not being comfortable whatsoever.

He got out of the shower two minutes later, drying off quickly and changing into boxer shorts and a t-shirt. When he walked out into the room he found Ava fast asleep on the edge of the bed softly mumbling.

He got closer to her after hanging his towel off the chair, catching little bits and pieces of what she was saying. Through her slurred, soft speech he could make out his name, the word 'date', and her name. Everything else was gibberish to him. 

Bucky was confused. Ava never showed any interest in him. At least that's what he figured. She was always kind and laughed when she had to but she was like that with everyone. It was almost as if it were her factory setting in a way. 

Taking a breath, he gently shook her until her eyes slowly opened. She groaned and Bucky chuckled. "Go on and take a shower."

"I'm so tired," she whined. 

"I know you are," Bucky brushed some hair away from her face. "But you'll feel better after you take a shower."

Ava reluctantly got out of bed and grabbed her towel and pajamas before going into the bathroom. Bucky, on the other hand, went to his side of the bed and pulled back the covers that were tightly tucked into the mattress. Once his head hit the pillow he was out like a light.

Ava crawled into bed 20 minutes later doing the exact same thing Bucky did, but not before turning off the lights and sighing dreamily, wishing that her dinner date dream with Bucky could become reality someday. 

The next morning they both woke up at the same time, Ava and Bucky still in the same spot from the night before seemingly not having moved at all from how tired they were. 

Ava threw her arm over her eyes with a groan and Bucky grinned. "I don't want to go downstairs. Can we just order room service?"

"Sounds like a plan," Bucky agreed before kicking off the fluffy white comforter and walking over to grab the binder that held the menu.

They were starving. And they realized this when Bucky basically ordered the whole entire breakfast menu. Ava sat back in bed and giggled at the funny facial expressions Bucky was sending her from across the room. She couldn't help the skip in her heart either when he would shoot her wink here and there. 

Bucky hung up with a dramatically loud exhale, flopping belly first onto the bed. He let his head fall onto the covers, mumbling about something that Ava couldn't really make out. When she asked him to repeat himself he finally lifted his head with his hair stuck to his forehead. 

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