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It was quiet for what seemed like hours in all of their minds but it truly was only 5 seconds before Ava and Bucky both yelped loudly causing everyone in the hotel lobby to turn around and stare at the commotion.

"One bed, Peggy? Really?"

"You said it was fine!" She replied sheepishly.

"Because I thought there would be two beds!" Bucky scoffed.

Ava pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to stay calm. She hadn't shared a bed with a man in years and although she didn't have any real feelings for Bucky she was still worried that her heart would get the best of her.

"Can't we ask for a cot or something?" Ava questioned.

"Steve already asked and they don't have any."

Bucky walked away from both women and over to Steve to recollect himself. It wasn't their fault the room only had one bed and he shouldn't get angry with Peggy. It was her special week. Besides, nothing was going to happen between them.

The group soon went their own ways but Ava and Bucky were the last ones to go to their room. There was this impending doom hovering over them and they didn't really understand why. Or maybe they did but decided not to think too much about it.

Ava unlocked the door and was hit with a wave of ice-cold air thanks to the AC unit in the room. She sighed as it instantly cooled her down from the muggy air that encompassed the Bahamas. Bucky followed behind her with his suitcase rolling behind him.

The room was quite large and had a decent sized bathroom close to the entrance. Everything was decorated in white and turquoise to match the ocean that they could see from the balcony, but the sight of the single bed was daunting.

Ava placed her suitcase and purse at the front of the room while Bucky left his near the closet next to the bathroom. She looked around the room once again, clearing her throat to catch Bucky's attention.

"I'm going to take the right side of the bed if you don't mind."

Bucky shrugged. "Okay."

Ava let him know that she was going to head out and hang out with the girls (and possibly Clint). She left him the room key, telling him she would ask for a spare at the front desk when he wondered out loud how she would get back into the room.

After freshening up she headed back down to the lobby where she spotted Wanda with a blue alcoholic drink in her hand as she chatted with Clint. Clint saw Ava first, nodding at her before applying his attention back to Wanda. Natasha arrived at Clint's side at the same time Ava went up to Wanda.

"I heard you and Barnes are sharing a bed." Natasha wiggled her eyebrows at Ava with a smirk playing on her gorgeous face.

"It's not like that."

"Then what is it like?" Clint retorted.

"Peggy said that it was the only room left." Ava shrugged. "It's fine. The bed is big enough for both of us."

"Oh, I'm sure." Natasha and Clint said in sarcastic unison.

Wanda rolled her eyes, asking the couple to stop teasing Ava. She offered to go and get a drink with her at the bar, God knows she needed it. They walked over to the hotel bar arm in arm, being greeted by the cute bartender as soon as they walked up. Wanda batted her eyelashes and turned on her charm. Ava was a bit envious of her, wanting to be more like Wanda and less like herself. She had only known Wanda for a short amount of time but she was so powerful in just the sense that she was confident in herself.

After getting her drink they were off to meet up with Clint and Natasha again. They all decided to go walk on the beach, wanting to feel the blue water wash on their feet. The walk began at the start of the resort and ended at the very end of it, catching the sunset. It was even more beautiful when in paradise.

Once they got back to the hotel, Wanda, Clint, and Natasha went their own ways while Ava stayed behind to ask for an extra room key. After identifying her, they handed her the room key and she made her way up to the 5th floor. She dragged her feet across the carpeted hallway floors, making it to the door and knocking on it to let Bucky (if he was even in the room) know that she was coming in.

Waving the plastic card in front of the scanner, she watched the light flash green meaning that the door was unlocked. The AC was blasting, that she could tell the second she walked into the room and the flatscreen TV that sat atop of the tall dresser lit up the room ever so slightly.

Ava tiptoed into the room, catching Bucky already fast asleep on the left side of the bed. She grinned at the sight before going over to her suitcase and taking out the clothes she would change into after taking a quick shower to get the sand off her feet and the smell of airplane off her body.  

After a quick shower, she brushed her hair and teeth, applied her skincare, and flipped off the lights in the bathroom. She padded over to the empty side of the bed, grabbing the remote control from Bucky's hand and turning off the television. Setting the remote on the bedside table she hopped onto the bed and stretched underneath the cool covers.

Ava looked over at Bucky, humming in content when she noticed the large space between them. Her eyes fluttered closed as soon as she let her mind wander off, dreaming the sweetest of dreams.

When an alarm began to blast the annoying Marimba tone Bucky and Ava both groaned in unison. Someone had forgotten to set their alarm off. Ava opened one eye first and then the other, her hand that was under her cheek had fallen asleep. Trying to lift herself up, she placed her other hand on what she thought was the bed but came in contact with skin and muscle.

Sometime during the middle of the night, as they tossed and turned they both ended up right next to each other. But how Ava ended up laying on his chest was another question that she didn't want to ask.

She shot up with a gasp, almost falling off the bed from the fast reaction, spotting a small damp spot on his chest most likely her drool. Ava began to wonder how long they had been sleeping like that—her head on his chest with her hand right below his pecs or when he even wrapped his arm around her body to keep her flush against his.

Lucky for Ava, he was still fast asleep but now she was wide awake. Any chance of sneaking in an extra 15 minutes of sleep had gone out the window. She was too freaked out. Had Bucky realized? And if he did, why didn't he move her out of the way? So many thoughts filled her mind, causing a rush of anxiety to shoot through her veins.

"You're overthinking this," she whispered to herself as she hopped off the bed and turned off the alarm on her phone. Deciding to get ready for the rest of the day she took another quick shower to get rid of the sweat that gathered on her body in the past minute and changed into comfortable clothes before heading down to the lobby.

"You okay?" Sam asked Ava when he bumped into her at the buffet.

"Yeah. Why?"

Sam chuckled, "You look like you just saw a ghost."

Ava scoffed. "I'm just tired is all. Jet lag, you know."

Sam furrowed his brows, shaking his head. "There's no time difference between here and New York."

Her hand came in contact with her forehead. "Right," she drawled out. "Well... I'll see you later."

Sam hummed to himself before stopping Ava from serving herself another waffle. "You and Barnes didn't... ya know..."

"Sam!" Ava exclaimed. "No! Jesus Christ, who do you think I am?"

"I was just asking!"

"Asking what?" Peggy's English accent rang in the air.

"Nothing!" Ava groaned. "Nothing at all."

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