Chapter Twelve

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"What?! What do you mean there is a tumor in our mother's head?" Tommy hissed at Zatara and Doctor Strange.

"Exactly what we have stated, Tommy. That your mother has a growth on her brain - a tumor - and that her chances of survival are...not looking too great. I'm sorry." Doctor Strange coughed awkwardly.

"Yikes, and everyone says I'm bad with people." Tony whispered to Steve, getting an elbow to the stomach. "What? Just trying to, y'know, lighten the mood."

"The mood doesn't need to be lightened, Stark. We just learned my sister, their mother, is dying." Pietro hissed, kneeling beside his sister's makeshift hospital bed within the Mount Justice med bay. It was the closest base of operations and nobody wanted to move her once they had her hooked up. Tommy and Billy stood off to the side of the room, silent tears falling down their faces since Tommy's initial outburst.

It isn't fair. We just found her and now she is being taken away from us?!

I know, Tommy.

And there isn't anything anyone can do for her?!

It was like a lightbulb went off in Billy's head.

There may be something I can do...

Billy, it may be too dangerous!

Tommy, she is already dying! What can trying harm anyways? And what if it works?

What are you guys talking about?

Where did you come from?

You two are talking on the communal mind link?

Oh, right.

So, what is Billy going to try?

You'll see.


Tommy. Please. Let me try to save our mother's life.

...fine. But if something goes wrong, I will never forgive you.

I believe you.

Billy pushed off from his spot against the wall and made his way over to Wanda's bedside. Everyone present watched quietly as he place his hands on both her temples and briefly closed his eyes, opening them to reveal pure blue orbs. The air around Billy and Wanda began to swirl with energy as Billy began his spell. "IwantWandaMaximoff'stumorhealedcompletelyIwantWandaMaximoff'stumorhealedcompletelyIwantWandaMaximoff'stumorhealedcompletely." Wanda began to glow the same blue as Billy's eyes, her own eyes fluttering open briefly before rolling back in her head as she falls completely limp.

Billy and Wanda slowly stopped glowing and Billy removed his hands, backing away from his mother with wide eyes. He turned to Tommy with a fearful look.

Tommy...I-I'm sorry...

A groan cut off Tommy's telepathic response and all eyes were back on Wanda as the Scarlet Witch sat up in bed, blinking her eyes open slowly. She smiled when she saw her brother and sons, opening her arms for a hug, one they all gladly gave into.



They yelled, tackling her to the bed. Wanda laughed, peppering them with kisses. She pulled out of their embraces, looking over at Billy. "Thank you, Billy. For saving my life." Billy beamed, nodding his head. Wanda turned to Doctor Strange and Zatara. "I feel absolutely splendid. The best I have felt in years."

"We will still need to run a few tests."

"Of course."

After the tests were run and Wanda was given the all clear, the Maximoff family made their way outside of the mountain. Wanda paused, looking over to her sons. "Billy, would you like to return home with me? Come live with me, I mean it."

Her sons nodded enthusiastically, hugging Wanda tightly. "Oh, thank you, mom!"

"No need to thank me. Now, run along to your friends. I believe they are having a campfire on the beach."

"See you at home, mom!" Tommy called out, tugging Billy along with him.

Pietro turned to his sister. "Are you going to tell them who their father is?"

Wanda sighed, staring at the happy faces of her children. "That, dear brother, can wait until they are ready for it."

Pietro scoffed. "They just took on an alien army and healed their mother from death's door, don't you think they are ready?"

Wanda glared at Pietro. "It is my story to tell, Pietro. Handling things like that is much different than handling the news that you are the product can I tell them the truth if I can't even say it aloud?"

Pietro pulled his sister into a hug. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you. I know it is a horrible memory for you."

"A horrible memory that brought me two of the greatest gifts of my life." Wanda smiled over at her sons, who waved back at her. She sighed again, looking up at Pietro. "I will eventually tell them that they are Strucker's kids, but for now, let us be happy with where we are."

Pietro nodded, leading Wanda towards the Avenger's Quinjet that would take them to their home.

Back on the beach, Billy and Tommy were hanging out with the team by a campfire, just staring up at the early night sky. Everyone turned at the sound of approaching footsteps, looking up to see Batman and Iron Man.

"Billy, Tommy, how would you two like a place on our covert team?" Batman asked, ignoring Tony's indignant gasp of horror.

"Bats! They are an Avenger's progeny! They belong with the Avengers!"

"Yes, and they are also fourteen. They belong on a team with peers their own age." Batman countered.

"Well, I had called dibs!"

"They aren't a seat in a car, Stark."

The teens watched in amusement as the two billionaires bickered over which team the twins belonged on. Billy and Tommy grinned at each other, looking over the rising stars on the horizon. They would be happy to be on either team, as long as those they cared about were alive and well.

"Look! A shooting star!" Wally cried out, pointing to the sky. "Everyone make a wish!"

The twins closed their eyes and sighed in unison, knowing that both of their wishes had already come true. They had great friends, a loving uncle, and were reunited with their mother, together.

What more could they ask for?


Aaaaand The Twins is officially over! I told you it would have a happy ending ArtemisLianCrock-B07

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