Chapter Six

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Tommy and Billy followed the team on a tour of the mountain, none of the teens sure of what to do now that the adults had left.

"And in here we have our kitchen and lounge area." M'gann announced, spreading her arms wide to show the twins the spacious area. "Well, what do you think?"

"I think I am starving." Tommy said at the same his stomach gurgled. Billy nodded in agreement. "Can we pause the tour and get something to eat?"

"Of course, we were done with the tour anyways." Zatanna smiled, walking towards the fridge. "What are you in the mood for? We have-"

Before she could list off the contents of the fridge, an alarm sounded out throughout the mountain. Billy flinched and Tommy looked to the team with wide, spooked eyes. "What the heck is that?"

"That, my dear Thomas, means we have a breach. Obnoxious, I know." Wally turned to the team and nodded. "Split up?"

"Yeah, but what about them?" Dick jerked his thumb at the twins.

Tommy's eyes lit up. "Oh oh! Let us help!"


"Why not?"

"Because it is dangerous and you two are civilians?"

"With super powers!"

He has a, aren't we technically civilians too?

Shut it, Wally.

Make me, Artemis.

Guys, stop flirting. Time to focus, they are waiting for an answer.

Kaldur? This is your team.

Kaldur  sighed, turning to the brothers with a slight shake of his head. "You two can come along. But you must accompany one of us and try to stay out of the fray. Understood?" Billy and Tommy nodded vigorously. "Good, now let us find the breach."

So the team split up, Tommy going with Zatanna and Billy going with Conner, everyone else by themselves.

I'm not coming across any sign of a breach. What about you guys?

Nothing so far.

But why would the alarm go off if nobody broke in?

Dick, check the security system, make sure it is still running at its optimal level.


Wait- I've got something!

What is it?

It looks like...claw marks? By the hangar door. Come check it out.

The team converged on Artemis' position, Dick typing away on his gauntlet computer. "Guys, the system is fine. No signs of hacking or tampering. I'm running a diagnostics just in case, but-"

"Yeah, cool, come look at this." Wally gestured Dick over, pointing at the deep and jagged claw marks.

Dick squinted at the marks before snapping a picture, sending a picture to Batman and the Justice League. "I just alerted the Justice League, they should be getting back to us soon as to what this could possibly be."

"Whatever they are, they hid their tracks well. They even closed the hangar door behind them." Kaldur pointed out, a fact no one else noticed.

Dick's gauntlet beeped with a notification and all eyes went to him. He looked to it and furrowed his brow. "That...that can't be right."

"Care to share?"

"Batman simply said 'get out'. Didn't even say what it was or anything..." Dick cued up a call with Batman, the team and the twins crowding behind him as Batman answered the call. "Batman w-"

"Robin, get out of there. Now. You don't know what you are dealing with." If the team didn't know any better, they would say that they heard a little bit of fear in Batman's voice.

"Yeah, we don't know what we are dealing with, that's why we asked." Wally piped up. "Any theories?"

"I know what you are dealing with and the League is on their way, but for now get out. Take the twins and leave the mountain."


"Don't question me."

Robin's mouth fell into a tight, flat line. He nodded, ending the call without saying goodbye. He turned to his teammates and the twins, all of whom were staring at him quizzically.

"We aren't leaving the mountain, are we?" Tommy asked. Dick shook his head. "But Batman sa-"

"Screw Batman, we can handle this." Dick pulled up the blueprints of the mountain on his gauntlet. "We should not split up this time, that is a good way for us to die."

"Especially if the League is afraid of this thing." Conner muttered.

"Wait, why don't we just pull up the security tapes and see what it is?" M'gann asked, the only one thinking logically. 

Dick nodded, pulling up the security footage on his gauntlet.  The team and the twins crowded around to get a good look.

A shocked gasp went through the group as they saw this monstrous hell-beast in golden armor walk through their base of operations.

"What in the world is that?!" Artemis cried out, appalled by what she saw.

"I don't know but they broke into our mountain, so they will face our wrath." Dick growled.

"Robin, don't you think this is a bit out of our league?" Wally asked. "And what about Billy and Tommy? What do we do about them?"

"They stay here while we go hunting." Dick smirked. "Hope you don't mind, but we don't need you guys getting in the way or getting hurt because of us."

Tommy went to protest but Billy sent him a look and he backed down, going to stand against the wall with his brother. Zatanna sent the brothers  one last look before following her teammates down the hallway and around the corner. 

Tommy sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "This blows. First we get abducted, then we find out our mother is the Scarlet Witch but we can't meet her because she is in a coma, and now we are forced to sit out of a fight." Billy shrugged, picking at his sleeves a bit. "You're right, we were homeless before and now we have a home. And at least we are closer to mom. And we don't have any training, so we would get our asses handed to us."

Billy smirked, looking up at Tommy. Tommy nudged Billy's shoulder. "Are you sure you are okay? I mean, you just spent time in prison. That is bound to have its effects."

Billy nodded hesitantly, eyes widening when he looked back up at his brother. He grabbed Tommy and pushed him behind himself, flinging his hands up. Out shot a blue explosion of energy, taking form as a force field right as a giant fist came crashing down against it.

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