Chapter One

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Hall of Justice; Present Day

It was a calm day at the Hall of Justice as Justice League members Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Red Tornado discussed how their days had been on their way to the zeta tubes. A meeting with the rest of the Justice League was scheduled for later in the day, but it looks like these members were going to be a tad late, given what was coming their way.

As the group entered the inner sanctum, a blur of white and blue came rushing past them, materializing in front of them as the Avenger known as Quicksilver.

Flash and Green Arrow rolled their eyes, which did not go unnoticed by the Sokovian.

Pietro, however, elected to ignore their immaturity and carry on with the task at hand. "Please, Justice League, I need your help. I have no one else to turn to."

Wonder Woman stepped forward, hand reaching for her lasso. "You dare break into our sanctum and then have the audacity to ask for our help? I think not, Quicksilver."

Pietro fell to his knees, clasping his hands together in a move that shocked in even Batman. None of them expected the prideful Avenger to lower himself to readily. "I am deeply sorry for the intrusion, I would not do so if it were not an emergency. Please, hear me out." The Justice Leaguers thought about it for a moment be Black Canary nodded, motioning for Pietro to continue. "My sister, Wanda, has fallen ill and has placed herself in a coma. I cannot search for a cure on my own as I must protect the Avengers complex and Wanda, so I ask of you, will you please help find a cure for my sister's mysterious illness?"

Batman put a hand on Pietro's shoulder. "We are about to have a meeting with the rest of the League. Why don't you go get your sister and we can discuss the matter as a whole?" Pietro nodded, returning a moment later with the comatose Scarlet Witch in his arms.

The group walked to the zeta tubes, uninterrupted this time, beaming up to the Watchtower with Pietro in tow.

Once the whole League was gathered, Wonder Woman introduced Pietro to the group, for those who did not know him. "Quicksilver of the Avengers has come to us, asking our assistance in a personal matter. He will present his case to the League and we will decide if we can help. Pietro, the floor is yours."

"Thank you, Wonder Woman. My name is Pietro Maximoff, I am Quicksilver of the Avengers. In my arms I hold my comatose twin, Wanda, the Scarlet Witch. Her...predicament...began when we were taking a walk through the Avengers' complex. She collapsed, her powers going wild and uncontrollable. In order to protect the world and herself, she put herself in a comatose state." Pietro cleared his throat. "Since I am the only functioning Avenger left on Earth, I am tasked with protecting the complex, and now my sister, from harm. So I cannot go searching for a cure for her illness. I came here hoping you, the Justice League, would lend me your aid."

The Justice League turned to one another, murmuring in low voices. It is Zatara who speaks up, walking over to Pietro as he does so. "We will help. I shall get started immediately, is her sickness physically or magical?"

"I am not sure."

"Nonetheless, I will check my books for anything pertaining to the symptoms you can give me." Zatara went to say more, but was cut off by Quicksilver.

"Wait! I almost forgot. Before she went into her comatose state, she asked me to find her twin sons, William and Thomas, who she gave up at birth and sent to America. She fears they may be afflicted as well." Pietro looked at the League with the unspoken question in his eyes and Diana caved, her soft spot for children winning.

"We shall locate the twins as well. Now go with Zatara, we have much work to do." Quicksilver thanked the League profusely as he exited with Zatara and Wanda, leaving the League to turn to Diana with stern glares. "If those boys are inflicted with whatever is harming the Scarlet Witch, that would be on us. We must help them."

"We do not have the resources, Diana." Superman pointed out, sparking an idea in Batman's mind.

"We do, in fact, have some resources we can spare..."

Mount Justice, Present Day

"Why do we always just watch static?" Zatanna asked Artemis as the two of them walked into the lounge with an armful of sodas and popcorn, sitting down on the floor in front of Wally and Dick.

"We lost the remote and are too afraid to ask for a new one." Wally shrugged, reaching down to grab a handful of popcorn and shove it into his mouth. "Plus, it is actually quite interesting if you think about it. You can create your own show from the static."

The team just stared at Wally, nobody saying a word as they processed what the teen just said.

Wally just happily munched his popcorn, not looking away from his static until the zeta tubes announced Batman, Black Canary, Superman, Wonder Woman, and a guest. Wally perked up, jumping from the couch and declaring that he would 'answer the door'.  He returned a moment later with a puzzled expression.

"What is it, Wally?" 

"Some Avengers dude, I think."

"Ooh, I hope its Thor." Artemis and Zatanna said at the same time, chuckling. 

"No, he has white hair and is in spandex. Not Thor." Wally spoke in a distant voice. "Come look for yourselves. He is whispering in angry voice with the Leaguers."

So the team got up and followed Wally towards the adults, with Artemis grumbling about how she never gets to meet any gods of thunder.

As the team entered the mission room, Batman turned towards them with a blank face. "Team, we have a mission for you..."

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