Production Night

171 16 2

California's POV
"She hung up. Again." I sighed, and tossed my phone onto my bed.

"She's probably busy, Cal. She doesn't hate you." Gary put his arm around me, but I shrugged it off.

"How would you know that, though? She won't answer any of our calls. She won't answer my emails, my texts, even my letters. She hates me."

"Oh, Cal."

"Just go." I whispered. The first time I'd iced him out like this, we hadn't spoken for a week, but he was used to it now.

"Alright. Call me, okay? Do you want me to bring you anything?"

I shook my head. Gary backed out of the room, trying to lighten the atmosphere with a smile. "Bye! I'll be back in an hour." He waved.

I lifted my hand slightly to indicate that he should go. He nodded, then left.

I stared at the wall. I almost never left the school anymore. I only got out of bed for classes and rehearsals, and Annie or Gary brought me food when I asked.

Rehearsals. I glanced at my watch; 4:09. Tonight was the performance. In less than three hours, I would be on stage, acting Val's part. With Flynn.

Flynn had changed since Val left. We all had, I guess. He rarely spoke or ate, but when he performed, he seemed to burst into light. It was like he used up all his frustrations to act at Angelina Jolie level, but as soon as he stepped off the stage, he became a living shell of the person he used to be.

My phone vibrated beside me, and I jumped to answer it, secretly hoping it was Val.

"Hello?" I answered eagerly.

"Hi, Cal."

"Flynn?" I gasped.

"Yeah, that's the one..."

"Um, so... Uh, what's the matter?" I asked.

"The matter?" He shrieked. "I'm about to do the biggest, most important performance of my life, and the biggest, most important person in my life won't be here to support me."

"Probably shouldn't call her 'big'..."

"Cal, shut up. You know what I mean. Where is she staying?" He sounded desperate.


"I'm going to get her. Right now."

"Flynn, you can't do th-"

"Yes, I can." He cut me off. "California, please. I need her here. You want this to be the best performance ever, right? Well, let me do this."

"Fine." I sighed. "Do you need help?"

Flynn laughed mischievously. "Now there's the Cal we all know and love."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I was shocked to find myself laughing for the first time in weeks. "What do you need?"

"This is t safe over the phone," he whispered. "Meet me and Gazza, AKA Gaz-dog, AKA His Royal Hotness-"

"AKA Gary," I finished for him. "I'm starting to question your sexuality, to be honest."

"Meet us at Yum Yum India in 10." He hung up, and I jumped off my bed, eager to escape the stuffy confines of my room.


The bell over the door rang as I entered.

"Cal!" Gary called. I smiled when I saw him. "Flynn, look. She's actually smiling!"

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