Deal? Deal.

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California's POV

For the whole lesson, Val stared at the back of Flynn West's head.

"Miss Marshall, when did World War 1 begin?" Mr Hanner asked.

Val was jolted out of her daydreams (probably about Flynn) and looked anxiously at Mr Hanner.

"Um... Uh-"

I quickly scribble a note on the book in front of her, and she read it to Mr Hanner.

"Excellent, Miss Marshall. Next time, how about you pay attention yourself, and not get the answer off our new student."

Val went bright red, redder than anything I'd ever seen before. She slumped down in her chair, staring forward, straight at Flynn and the strange looking guy beside him.

"What do you want, Gary?" Val hissed menacingly. The guy beside Flynn turned around so fast, his chair tipped and he fell to the floor. I guess he was Gary.

Flynn kept staring our way, along with most of the other people in the class. Val had returned to her normal joyful self, and was giving them all death glares, especially Antoinette and except Flynn.

"Everyone, turn around. Now!" Mr Hanner shouted. Everyone except Flynn turned around.

Val went red again, even more red than before.

"That includes you, Mr West." Mr Hanner said obnoxiously. Flynn turned around. Slowly.

"Oh-my-god-did-you-see-that-Flynn-West-just-looked-at-me-oh-my-god!!!" Val whisper-squealed into my ear rapidly.

The rest of the lesson passed slowly. Val was in a constant, happy daze.

When the bell finally rang, Flynn turned around and walked towards our table.

Val started hyperventilating, I swear.

"Hey girls," Flynn said. Val started to drool, literally, and I felt the need to fan her with my textbook.

"Hi," I answered for her, as she was incapable of doing anything other than stare.

"Do you want to do do something with me and Gary," he pointed over his shoulder at Gary, who was nodding enthusiastically. "Next weekend?" Flynn finished.

"Yep, sounds good." I said. "Val will give you her number, text us the details."

Gary was still nodding enthusiastically, giving us the thumbs up. Looking at him, a brilliant idea almost blushed my brain. I am a genius.

I slid out of my chair and left Val and Flynn together, hoping she'd sort herself out long enough to say something flirty.

I sat on Gary's table. He stared at me with a massive smile.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to stare?" I asked rudely.

His smile slid off his face like water off the end of your nose in the rain, or shower, whichever you prefer.

"Look, I have a proposition for you." I began. "Meet us at the front gate tomorrow, at 10am sharp. Be there."

He nodded eagerly, and wiped his running nose with his sleeve. It was going to take a whole lot of effort to make my plan work.


At 9:30am the next morning, I slipped into Val's bedroom and jumped on her bed.

"Get up!" I said loudly.

"I hate you Cal." She mumbled.

I ripped her blankets off the bed, and ran around the room turning everything that lit up on, so there was as much light as possible.

"Cal..." Val growled.

I pushed her a little bit, and she rolled off the bed and fell on the floor with a loud thump.

"We have important business today, Val!" I said encouragingly. I tossed some clothes at her, and the walked out the door. "I'll be back in 10 minutes!" I called over my shoulder.

When I came back, carrying 4 pieces of toast, Val was dressed and sitting cross-legged on her bed.

"This important business better be important, or else. You woke me up on a precious Saturday. If this isn't interesting enough, I will murder you." She said.

I tossed some toast at her and grabbed her arm. "Let's go!" I dragged her out of the room. She clung desperately to her toast. I don't think she would've let it go if we were being chased by toast-hungry assassins.

"Cal. What are we doing?" She asked.

I checked the time on my watch. We still had 12 minutes.

"We're giving Gary a makeover." I said.

"What?! Why?" She shrieked.

"Because he needs it, and out of the goodness of our hearts."

She stopped running. "No."

"You might get to spend more time with Flynn..." I tried to persuade her.

"Okay." She answered. Simple. I actually thought it would be a lot harder to change her mind, but I guess Flynn West could change her mind about anything.

"Deal?" I checked.

"Deal." She promised.

By then we were at the front door. I opened it, and saw Gary running excitedly towards us, shouting: "Val!! Val!!!"

All of a sudden he was lying on the ground. I think he tripped over a rock? Or maybe he was just clumsy. He got up hurriedly, brushing himself off.

He kept running. Well, it was more like limping now. He got to the gate and, instead of opening it like a normal person, he decided to hurdle it.

I closed my eyes and covered Val's. No one needed to see this.

I heard a dull crunching noise. I looked cautiously out to the garden. Gary was sitting proudly on the wooden gate, one leg on either side. I was puzzled as to the crunching noise, until the entire fence leaned to the right and Gary landed on the floor for the second time in as many minutes.

Bits of wood were all over the garden. Gary got to his feet and dusted himself off (again), and came towards us. Val grabbed my hand and ran. I stumbled after her, taking hold of Gary's arm on our way.

We galloped awkwardly until we reached the cover of some trees about 100 metres from the school.

Val and I were panting loudly, but Gary seemed to not be tired at all.

"We.. Had... To... Run... Mrs... Hannigan.. Can't.. Find.. Out..." Val gasped.

Gary opened his backpack and passed us each a bottle of water.

"Thanks." I said, surprised.

"No worries," he said. "Now, what's the plan?"

Val and I studied him carefully, and sighed in synchronisation.

"I don't even know where to start." Val said.

Written by Ansel

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