The Second First Date

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Valerie's POV

"How do you think their date is going?" I wondered out loud as I picked at my finger bun.

Flynn had taken me to a hidden little bakery just around the corner. This town had some little hidden gems that I had no idea about but I guess Flynn has had a few years over me to discover more. I had eaten on of their delicious pies and had a taste of Flynn's sausage roll.

"Hopefully it's awkward and they are sitting their in an uncomfortable silence and then Gary farts and Cal just up and leaves." Flynn said staring at me with the most serious expression I've even seen him pull and just when I thought that I had a crush on an asshole he broke into a smile.

"That's cruel." I laughed.

"You're so cute, I can't believe you thought I was serious." He poked his tongue out at me in a teasing way and I laughed.

"Shut up." I shot back at him and grinned. "In all seriousness though, what do you think is happening?"

"I think they are eating amazing Indian food and talking like they've known each other forever. Now, will you please shut up and focus on your own date instead of theirs?" I looked up to Flynn's smiling face, for a horrible second there I thought he was serious.

"You're really good at that." I stated and continued picking at my finger bun, that thing was making me feel sicker by the second.

"Good at what?" Flynn asked as he reached over the table and took a bit off my bun.

"Being serious," I said and Flynn furrowed his eyebrows. "Faking being serious." I elaborate and Flynn's eyebrows rose and he nodded his head.

"I really appreciate that," Now it was my turn to furrow my eye brows in confusion. "I would like to be an actor when I finish school, or even before then if someone would hire me." I laughed at his response.

"That would be a dream come true." I murmured under my breath but I think Flynn heard but he just smiled at me. His smile was gorgeous. His teeth weren't perfectly straight but that's what made it unique and cute, his teeth glittered in the lights of the bakery and when he smiled he got these creases right next to his eyes.

"Valerie Marshall, are you checking me out?" Flynn's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Quite possibly." I bit down on my lip to hide my smile.

"Good, I was starting to feel a bit guilty about me constantly checking you out when you get nothing in return." My eyes widened. Checking me out. Constantly. I couldn't process it all at once.

"You check me out?" I instantly regretted that. It ruined my cool screen, he could see through now. Now Flynn is going to think that I'm a complete idiot and some fragile girl who is surprised whenever a guy gives her a second glance.

"Oh yeah, all the time." Flynn stated simply and my mouth went dry, I was lost for words.

"Do you like what you see?" I was able to recover quickly and put my cool screen back up.

"Hold on. I'll just have to check again." Flynn's eyes scanned up my body from what he could see over the table and went all the way to the top of my head, then he met my eyes. "Definitely," I'm absolutely 100% positive that at that precise moment my cheeks turned the colour of a tomato and not a shade lighter. "I have always like what I have seen." Flynn finished.

I moved my hand from it's position on the table and put it on my leg, pinching as hard as I possibly could and it hurt like hell so I knew for sure that I was definitely awake.

"Always?" I question after I was able to process everything that just happened.

"Ever since the first time I saw you in grade four." I couldn't speak but then Flynn said something else and I couldn't help but laugh. "I remember you had your hair was in two braids instead of one."

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