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"It was nice to meet you, I need to go now." Jungkook told the stranger and exited the bus.

"Nice to meet you again, Jungkook."



"Uhm...hi" The shy boy said and waved his hand.

"I...I never thought we'd meet." Jungkook stuttered and looked at the floor.

"Yeah... me neither"

"Do you want to go and have a drink somewhere?"  Jungkook asked, wanting to make the situation less awkward.

"Y-yeah sure." Taehyung said, smiling at Jungkook.
One can say, Jungkook was startled by the boy's smile. He had never seen such an astonishing smile in his life. He was truly amazed and sadly couldn't prevent the next question from slipping out of his mouth.

"Why do you never go out? Your smile needs to be seen in public." Shit, Jungkook thought. He has always been an open person and didn't really think about what he was saying, which is, I believe, philosophically wrong. Jungkook has always had the goal to be a good person. He even read a philosophical book about how to think like a philosopher. It interested him.

What is a good person? Someone said, "A good person is someone who does little wrong.", but that would be wrong too, right? Gerhard Ernst once said, there are 2 ways of looking at the question. The first way is, you know what is wrong but you still don't do the right thing. He called it being weak-willed.
As a boy who didn't really have an emotional relationship with his family, he was never thaught to be strong-willed.
Anyway, the second way is that you do something you think is right, but it's in fact wrong.

In terms of the gamer, he always wanted to avoid the first aspect. As you can see, he still cannot control himself and just says whatever comes to his mind, and he's deeply sorry about it now.
Taehyung looked hurt. He seems like he's about to walk away, but astonishingly, he answers Jungkook's question.

Taehyung: "I'm scared. I don't want people to think bad of me. I don't want them to call me ugly in their head or to gossip about me. That's why." Taehyung said, looking straight into Jungkook's eyes, staring deeply at him.

Jungkook: "I'm sorry for asking, it just came to my mind and I didn't think about it in my head and just let it slip."

A sudden idea was formed in Jungkook's head while he apologized. This time, he thought about it for a few seconds, and he agreed with himself to tell Taehyung about the idea.

"Taehyung... I'm going to tell something really risky right now... Please think about it before we go to the café."

Taehyung: "What is it?" He asked, wondering what Jungkook meant by that.

Jungkook: "I believe I can change you." He stated. Taehyung looked at him with big eyes. He didn't know what to say. He didn't understand what he felt right now. Did he feel offended? Did he feel happy?

Jungkook: "And I want to have your permission for me to do so."

'Why?' The Instagram blogger asked himself. 'Why does he want to change me? In what kind of way? Am I not to his liking? Why did he even meet me in the first place then?'

Jungkook: "I know you're probably trying to figure out why I said such a thing. I don't mean to change you in a bad way. Well, maybe I kinda misformulated my sentence. I mean that I want to help you be confident and overcome the criteria you just mentioned." Jungkook looked at him, sincerely about his words.

Taehyung: "Why?"

Jungkook: "Because I believe we can be good friends."

'At least for a few months.' Jungkook thought.


I got a little carried away and got a bit philosophical. haha Sorry

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