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Are you okay?


'Shit! Did I mess it up?' Jungkook thought. He didn't want the other to feel uncomfortable, he just wanted to finally see the boy he really likes...

After debating whether to go to Jimin's house and apologize for his outburst, he finally stood up and walked out of his apartment.

When he arrived in the lobby, he saw a very skinny man standing in front of the reception.

He wore a black teeshirt, black pants and white shoes. Nothing special, literally the opposite of what Guccishit would wear...

It looked like he didn't know where to go and the lady at the reception didn't want to help him.

'Should I ask what his problem is?' He asked himself and decided to go there and help.

"Hello, is something wrong?"

"I don't think it concerns you." The receptionist coldly said but Jungkook turned around and acted like he didn't hear anything.

"Are you okay?" He asked the boy whose hands were shaking.

"Y-yes.. I-" He answered, but didn't have to finish his sentence because Jungkook cut him off. He noticed that the boy was nervous and uncomfortable.

"Do you need help?" Jungkook asked again. He wants to know what is wrong with him because he definitely seems lost.

"M-my a-apartment" The unknown man tried again. "I-I d-don't h-have i-it a-anymore.." He continued.

'So he doesn't have anywhere to live.'

"Hey, do you have relatives you can go to?"

"N-no" He answered and turned around to walk away.

Jungkook started to run after him and tried to grab his hand, but failed because the skinny boy ran away.

A little irritated, Jungkook stood there while trying to catch his breath and
looked at the backstreet the boy disappeared in.

'Did he just- wow.'


About 10 minutes later, Jungkook arrived in front of Jimin's apartment. He rang the doorbell...

He didn't expect someone else to open the door for him...and that only with underpants...

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