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Jungkook sat on the sofa near the bar, waiting for Jimin to come back and talk with him. It was a long night and Jungkook was tired, but Jimin insisted to stay a little longer.

It was ok for Jungkook as long as he doesn't arrive home too late.

The fact that he has no internet or wifi in the bar had him going mad the past hour. It was past 9 p.m. That means, he missed guccishit posting something new on his Instagram.

Someone suddenly woke him up from his thoughts about that beautiful boy by sitting on his lap.

"Hey baby, wanna do something nasty?" The girl asked while caressing Jungkook's cheek, her long nails touching his skin making him shiver.

"Please go away."

"But baby don't you wanna have fun with me?" She asked.

'Cliché' He thought.

Being in a club to enjoy himself and forgetting every problem he has by sleeping with a girl is not what Jungkook wants. He just wanted to make Jimin happy by coming with him.

So he did what he should do;

"Sorry, I'm gay."

The girl immediately stood up and walked away, but not before giving him a disgusted look.

Instagram Anorexic {Taekook}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant