They were going to lacrosse practice, I was following them,
Stiles said" But if you play, I'll have no one to talk to on the bench. Are you really gonna do that to your best friend?"
Scott said" I can't sit out again. My while life is sitting on the sidelines. This season, I make first line." I patted Stiles' shoulder, smiling at him, he smiled back.
Coach said" McCall!"
" Yeah?"
" You're in goal!"
" I've never played."
" I know. Scoring some shots will give the boys a confidence boost. It's a first day back thing. Get 'em energized, fired up!"
" What about me?"
" Try not to take any in the face. Let's go! Come on!" I laughed, sitting next to Stiles,
I said" So, we placing bets?"
Stiles said" Nah, we know he'll get pummeled, he sucks."
" You suck worst than him, so don't be mean to him."
" I'm just stating the obvious, don't worry."
" Fine, peanut head."
" Elephant brain." He nudged my shoulder, I laughed, pulling out my book.
Scott got hit in the face, I flinched, looking at him, Stiles and I both made faces. Then he caught the next ball, I looked at Stiles, smiling,
Stiles said" Yeah!" Next ball, he caught it,
I said" What alien took my brother last night?"
" I don't know!" Scott kept catching the balls before they got into the net, people were cheering. Then Jackson stepped up,
" Oh, god." Jackson threw the ball, and Scott caught it, Stiles and I jumped up, yelling.
" That's my friend!" I laughed, smiling at each other, okay, that was amazing, absolutely amazing!

We were in the woods, Scott lost his inhaler last night, and if we don't find it, mom will end him. We walked through a river,
He said" I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things."
Stiles asked" Smell things? Like what?"
" Like Mint Mojito gum in your pocket."
" I don't even have any Mint Mojito..." Stiles pulled out a piece of gum, weird... definitely weird." So all this started with a bite."
" What if it's like an infection, like my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?"
" You know what? I actually think I've heard of this. It's a specific kind of infection."
" Are you serious?" Where is Stiles going with this joke?
" Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy." Stiles!
" What's that? Is that bad?"
" Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month."
" Once a month?"
" Mmm-hmm. On the night of the full moon." He howled, Scott pushed his chest, Stiles laughed," Hey, man... Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling."
" Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me."
" I know! You're a werewolf!" He growled, Scott was pouting, I looked at Stiles," Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, its cause Friday's a full moon."
" No, I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler."
" Maybe the killer moved the body."
" If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like 80 bucks." Scott was crouched down, looking for his inhaler, Stiles and I looked around and we saw a man. Stiles hit Scott's shoulder, Scott stood up, getting in front of me.
The man said" What are you doing here? Huh? This is private property."
Stiles said" Uh, sorry man, we didn't know."
Scott said" Yeah, we were just looking for something, but... Uh, forget it." He threw Scott something, Scott caught it and it was his inhaler. The man walked away, he seemed familiar, like I used to know him." All right, come on, man, I gotta get to work."
" Dude, that was Derek Hale. You remember, right? He's only like a few years older than us."
" Remember what?"
I said" His family. They all burned to death in a fire, like, 6 years ago."
" I wonder what he's doing back."
Stiles scoffed" Come on." We started walking back to the jeep, I was holding Scott's hand.

Scott was at work, I was doing homework, my phone rang, I saw Stiles' number.
I said" Yes?"
He asked" So... um, what're we thinking is wrong with Scott?"
" I don't know, Stiles, you're usually the one with the ideas. I just back them up with facts."
" What do you think it could be, though? I mean, you've seen every disease possible."
" Maybe rabies? I don't know but he seems fine, he's not reacting any way, so..."
" Okay, can you go look through his room?"
" No!"
" Just asking, geez, calm down."
" Look, Stiles, I'm busy."
" Doing homework?"
" Yeah, why?"
" You need to loosen up, child."
" I'm only 2 years younger than you!"
" Yeah, but you act like a grandma."
" I'm just doing homework, once, okay? Is that good?"
" Fine, fine. Have fun!"
" Shut up!" He hung up, I laughed and closed my book, walking to my bed, sitting down. I leaned against my pillows, staring at my ceiling, dozing off.

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