Pt. 7- Perfect; The Best 


Suho was the best in class, there was no questioning that. Every score, every test proved the fact. Only A+ grades.

But, did that make him a nerd?

It didn’t.

Suho wasn’t a nerd because he had good looks, and played sports. He was every girls dream, smart, athletic, handsome, but. He rejected all of them for the mere fact that they would make him imperfect.

Imperfections meant breaking rules.

Imperfections meant losing the title of ‘the best.’

Both were things unthinkable to Suho. Why would he give up his perfection for a girl? Why would he give up his title?

There was no good reason for it. And so, he remained the most elusive boy in the grade. The closest anyone had ever gotten with Suho was the title of a friend, almost everyone was his friend.

Either way, Suho was still ‘the best.’

Did he want to be?

Yes? No?

There was no definite answer.

Suho remained the best.

‘This is what I want. I want to be perfect.’

He told himself.

After all, being the best meant perfection.


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