Pt. 2 - Perfect; Remember the Rules


    “Dinner!” She called for her thr- two children. The perfect family. Suho was the perfect older brother, Siwoo was the smaller carefree brother. One was entangled, the other was free.

    But for how long?

    Suho loathed the idea of going downstairs. The rules of tonight were going to be different, the game was going to be different. But, determined to keep the home ‘safe’ for his brother, Suho still got up and went downstairs to the dining room.

    “What’s for dinner Eomma?” Siwoo asked her, excited for dinner. Suho was not as enthusiastic, dreading the idea of another night sitting around the table playing the role of the perfect child. 

    “Suho,” his voice broke Suho from his thoughts. “Have you finished your homework?”

    Suho trembled. The answer Suho had was not what he was looking for. In fact, the answer Suho was about to give broke the rules. Currently he was not a perfect child.


“No.” Suho told him.

    One rule broken.

    “Did you go and prcatice soccer solo yet?” he asked.


    Two rules broken.

    “Then you have no place at the table. Consequences will be left on your desk at 8, you have 3 hours to try to right your wrongs. I expect none of this to get to Siwoo.” he ordered, slowly pushing Suho out of the room. Siwoo noticed him being shoved out, he had been hoping the small boy wouldn’t.

    “Suho Hyung, where are you going? It’s time for dinner.” Siwoo’s voice had stopped him from shoving Suho from the room.

    “I’m not hungry, I had a big lunch. And besides, I have some homework I need to do. If you’re done with yours when I finish you can come to the park while I practice soccer. How does that sound?” Suho tried to divert the attention from him, he approved of what Suho said.

    “Okay! Go do your homework Hyung, Yejoon might be at the park later.” Siwoo cheered letting Suho slip away from the room with him.

    He bent over and whispered to Suho, “Perfect children do not break the rules. Do we need to go over the rules?”

    Suho started to shake his head but thought better of it, “No, we don’t need to go over the rules.”

After all, the first rule is always remember the rules.

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