Melting Music (Feitan x reader)

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Feitan x reader mod. AU as requested by @aria_myst

You're playing piano when a man bursts in and ordered the thing be tuned right that instant.

You run your fingers over the keys of the piano, dropping down heavily and playing; white key, black key. "I can play this?"

The landlord shrugs, and tosses you the keys to your new apartment. "That thing's been sitting in this dusty room for eons. I don't care what you do with it, just make sure you don't disturb the other residents."

Catching the keys, you thank him and look back. A piano, one of your very own. Sure, it technically doesn't belong to you, but it might as well seeing how dusted it's cover has become. You play a simple melody, self-taught. It's all you can do, but you wonder if one day, you could play something greater. You gave up on music lessons long ago, when they were tedious and annoying, but now that you have a small desire in you now, maybe, just maybe you can do something with it.

Just wait. You're going to go be wonderful.

Here you are again the next day, in the middle of the night, plucking out notes as quietly as you can. You try to play as softly as possible, but it's hard when your hand slips and you play a rather... uh... unexpected duet. You let out a frustrated sigh and consider going back to your apartment to get some sleep before going any further.

The heavy doors slam open, and you jump out of your seat, wondering if you've done anything wrong. There in the doorway stands a man. You recognize him as the person who lives at the end of the hallway, the one you've only been able to catch a single glimpse of. What what you've heard from the other tenants, he travels often, but they all don't advise coming to know him—he's involved in some shady business, they say. Better to stay away from the man.

He storms up to you and you try and do just that, but before you know it, he's in your face, ticked.

His hair is a clear raven, matching with the lacquered wood of the piano. His eyes are in slits, but you catch a glimpse of fire in them, concealed passion. The man's upturned nose is delicate and sharp, almost as sharp as his lips are. Yet, at the same time, his lips seem delicate, almost paper thin and... you realize that this probably isn't the best time to be thinking about such things, especially when the man you happen to be admiring looks on the brink of murder.

You try to lean back, and end up propping your arms against the music holder. Instead, he comes even closer, growling as both his arms land with a thud on the music stand on either side of your head, heaving. Your breathing is tight, and your pulse thunders, yet he doesn't yield, scowling all the same.

Finally, he talks. "It's untuned."

You blink. "What?"

"You deaf? The thing is flipping untuned!" he snaps. He pushes you aside and takes out a peculiar tool from his pocket, opening up the body of the piano quickly. Leaning in, he starts to tweak things, leaving you baffled.

"I thought it sounded fine," you reason.

He scoffs. "To amateur, yes. But piano sounds horrible, and so do you." Through all his high and mighty talk, you find it comical how he has to stand on the tips of his toes to reach where he wants to. "You can't play anything."

You try and defend yourself with whatever shots you can muster, which isn't a lot, because it's true. You've only started on the piano. You've always liked the sound of the music it plays, but other than knowing what to press to make it go twinkle twinkle little star, you admittedly don't know much.

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