"I found it, Harry." I shout before taking another bite of the hash brown. Harry enters the room, and takes the bag from me. He turns around with his bag and breakfast, and heads towards the door. Niall stands up from the seat, and joins Harry. "I didn't even get Mikey ready yet, Harry." I place the trash in the bag.

"Just put her coat and shoes on, she isn't going to Daphne's today." Harry says putting his coat on. I grab the child from the chair, and carry her to the door.

"You two can go wait in the car." I say as I hand Harry my car keys. Harry smiles at me, and leaves the apartment. Niall quickly follows him before he closes the door. I help Mikey with her coat and shoes, and carry the child out of the apartment building to my parked car. I open the door, and buckle Mikey up in her car seat next to Niall. I slam the door shut, and enter the car.

"We're going to be late." Harry rushes me. I buckle up, and quickly drive to the high school. I look over at Harry to find him resting his head on the window like he always does. I smile at him, looking forwards again.

"Did you have any scary dreams?" Niall asks my daughter.

"No." She says with her adorable voice.

"That's good." Niall continues to have a conversation with Mikey as I continue to drive. I look back over at Harry, his eyebrows are scrunched together as if he is in pain.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask, looking back at the road.

"Mhm." He mumbles. After a few minutes, we arrive in front of the large school. Niall quickly gets out of the car, and slams the door shut. Harry slowly makes his way out of the car.

"This is risky, you know?" I remind him.

"Mhm." He mumbles, and closes the door. I watch as he catches up with Niall, and they enter the school together.

It's going to happen again.

Harry's POV

Niall and I painfully make our way to the top of the staircase, and quickly get to our lockers. I throw my breakfast I forgot to eat in my bag, and set it in my locker. I take off my coat, and take my schedule and my agenda.

I still need it, I've only been here a few times this school-year.

I close my locker, and hurriedly make my way to the classroom. I ignore everyone, and head for the seat I rarely ever sit in because of how many time I've been absent. I lean in the uncomfortable chair, and feel the heat of the room hit against my forehead causing me to sweat excessive amounts.

"Are you okay?" Niall asks me, suddenly appearing beside me.

"Y-yeah." I stutter awkwardly.

"If you need any help, I'll be here for you." He smiles at me.


Harry, you've been his best friend forever, quit being so awkward.

I watch as two figures approach Niall and I, and take their seats in front of us. They both turn around, and begin to ask us questions.

"You haven't showed up in an entire month, where'd you go this time?" Kyle asks making eye-contact with me. I roll my eyes at him, and wipe the noticeable sweat off my forehead.

"Kyle, leave him alone." Niall defends me as sharp pain begins to run down my spine.

"Was I talking to you, I don't think I was." Kyle scoffs at Niall, and exchanges looks with Luke. "I was trying to be nice, but I guess you just want to be left alone."

"I do." I hold in a shout as the pain from my stomach increases.

"I just wanted to know how you've been, I was really trying to be nice." Kyle says sarcastically.

"Leave him alone, Kyle." Niall says in a serious tone. Suddenly, I feel my stomach squeeze together, getting tighter and tighter every second. My eyes widen as I try to breathe in and out to take away the pain. The pain eventually starts to fade away. I look up to see Luke staring at me, I ignore him and wipe more sweat off of my forehead. "Harry, are you okay?" Niall whispers.

"Hmm." I close my eyes, wishing that the pain in my back would disappear.

"Leave us alone." Niall tries to get them to go away as I sit silently in pain.

"Harry?" The teacher calls out taking roll-call. I raise my hand, and watch as more people begin to stare at me. "What were you diagnosed with?" The teacher asks, questioning my personal life.

"Pseudocyesis." Niall says for me.

I am so glad I have Niall.

"What does that mean?" Kyle asks, turning around in his seat to face the front. The teacher ignores him, and continues to do roll-call. The squeezing in my pain returns, and squeezes tighter than the first time. Suddenly, a loud, annoying ringing noise goes off. "I will find out what you two are up to." Kyle threatens, and walks away from Niall and I. I watch as Luke follows him, and Niall stands up from the seat.

"Do you need help?" Niall whispers to me. The tightness in my stomach begins to increase, causing me to whimper. A warm tear falls on my cheek as Niall holds out a hand.

"Niall," I whisper. "I need to leave." Niall's smile disappears before his eyes fully open, realizing what I mean. He helps me up from the chair as the pain slowly starts to fade away.

"What is the problem?" The teacher asks, walking towards us confused why we are still there. The squeezing quickly returns, and Niall notices. He starts to rub my back, helping with some of the pain. Both of us stand there, and ignore the teacher's question.

"Right now?" Niall asks, completely oblivious. I nod my head, crying in pain.

"Niall, your mother called the school asking if you were here. Apparently you've been missing." The teacher tries to interrupt us, but Niall ignores her.

"Do you need me to call Liam or an ambulance?" Niall panics.

"Harry, are you okay?" The teacher asks, suddenly realizing there is a problem.

"I don't know, Niall. I-I don't know." I start to hyperventilate as the pain continues to increase. I begin to lose my balance as everything starts to become blurry.

"I'll call an ambulance, stay calm." Mrs. Jones' voice becomes muffled as Niall tries to hold me up.

"You'll be okay, Harry." He whispers, and moves the hair away from my face. I close my eyes as the pain disappears and my grip weakens.

Just one day, is that too much?

Chances. » Lirry/NarryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon