A Tuesday Afternoon

Start from the beginning

"Alright." He said, but I caught a light blush on his face.

" Anyway... I suppose we should get to the gym." I said. He nodded and we walked to the gym.

" You know I'm out of shape and fat, right? " He asked as we started to stretch.

"You're not fat." I told him. He shrugged.

"I'm flabby." He said. I shook my head and continued to stretch. when we finished, he walked to his phone. "I'm gonna turn on music." He said.  I nodded and then heard a familiar song.

"Dude! You listen to Reel Big Fish?" I asked. He laughed and nodded before we both awkwardly began singing along to the live version of She Has A Girlfriend Now.

"She has a girlfriend now. She has a girlfriend now. She has a girlfriend now. She said guys don't do no more for me." We both started.

"You never loved me like I wanted you to." He sang.

"I love you, baby. What do you want me to do?" I did the next part.

"She said she found someone who's gonna hold her hand. She said she found someone who's gonna understand. She don't need nobody to be her man. She don't need nobody to be her man.

She has a girlfriend now. She has a girlfriend now. She has a girlfriend now. She said guys don't do no more for me.

Well I never thought it would end like this. Just because I got no tits. I'll shave my legs. I'll wear a bra. Even cut my penis off for you! (I'd wack it right off)

She has a girlfriend now! She has a girlfriend now! She has a girlfriend now! She has a girlfriend now! 

So.... I'm gonna give men a try. Or at least transexuals. Maybe hermaphrodites... ease into it."

We both started laughing instantly.  We stayed productive after that for a out two hours before he laid down on the gym floor.

" I'm dead." He stated. I walked over trying to pick him up.

"Come on... Five more minutes and I'll buy you ice cream." I bribed. He grumbled and stood up. "You'd probably not be as hot if you wore shorts."

" Yeah... no." He stretched. "I'm gonna head home and sleep for a year."

"Alright. But not a year. You need a credit to graduate." I stated. He grumbled and walked off. I chuckled and followed. "I'll walk you home. Hey, where do you live?"

" On Baltimore Boulevard." He said.

" Hey, that's next to Thames Street!" I smiled. " I live on the other side of Thames."

" Really?" He looked shocked. I nodded and we walked out. We walked the ten minute walk to his street and he stopped at a cute, white house. It was a small two story house with a garden of what was most likely bright colored flowers during the summer. "Um... thanks I guess for walking me home." He shrugged awkwardly and began to open the white fence gate. He got the gate closed and the door opened.

"Jack, who's that?" It was what looked like his mom.

" He's just leaving." He said and began.

" What's his name?" She asked.

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