F O R T Y - N I N E

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~Bakugo's POV~

Suddenly there was a huge blast my eyes went wide I stood up shakily. I placed my hand on my wound "I-I gotta make sure she's okay." I mumbled as I began to slowly walk. Kirishima and Deku came to my side helping me walk
"Come on." They said.
I was panicking inside every worse case scenario running through my head over and over again like it was stuck on repeating. We got closer to where the blast went off everything was pretty much destroyed nothing was hardly left in the distance I could see that familiar red hair I love so much "t-there she is." I said pointing. They picked up the pace the closer we got my heart was beating hard and harder when we finally reached her my heart dropped it felt like someone had just ripped it out my chest.
I dropped to my knees right next to her she bleeding badly and she had some burns "Asuna! Hey wake up!" I yelled she slowly opened her eyes a small smile making its way to her lips she shakily put her hand on my cheek "k-kacchan your okay." She said I nodded "I'm fine." I said
"I'm glad." She said and she looked up at the guys "you guys are okay too right." And they all nodded "good." She smiled.
I placed my hand on her cheek "your gonna okay asuna."
My head was starting to hurt and I was fighting to keep myself conscious. The pain was starting to catch up to me.
Suddenly the pro heroes showed up.
She looked up "aizawa." he slowly picked her up "can you take me to him please." She said
One of the pro heroes picked me up placing me on there back and we followed Asuna and Mr. Aizawa

~Asuna's POV~

The closer we got to him my heart was pounding. But deep in my heart there was a hint of sadness.
When we finally reached him he was breathing heavily and was burnt pretty badly. Aizawa put me down next to him pain was shooting through out my body but I held it together I needed too.
"Asuna is that you." He said
He let out a small laugh "I guess in the end you were able to win against me."
I didn't say anything just stared at him he opened his eyes to look at me "i never thought I'd see the day when a hero would defeat me." He said my eyes got wide.
In a way felt sad about my father dying right here in front of my eyes don't get me wrong he did a lot of horrible shit to me and to others but in the end he was still my father.
"I'm sorry for everything. I know it won't make up for the things I've done."
I started to cry "it doesn't it never will you put me through hell all my life nothing would ever be able to make up for the shit I've gone through! The shit others have gone through!" I yelled tears flowing from my eyes he gave me a small smile "your right it won't."
"I defeated you and yet I still don't feel content about it!" I yelled again "I thought I would but I don't I just feel more angry!"
He let out another small laugh "victory doesn't always mean happiness. But in a way I'm glad it was my own daughter who defeated me at least I know since I'm gonna be dead soon I know I'm leaving behind someone strong." He said and with those last words he had stopped breathing. Tears were falling from my eyes any pain I had felt suddenly didn't matter. "I-I know I shouldn't even be sad this bastard is finally dead. But I do feel sad and I don't understand why."
Aizawa picked me back up "he was your father no matter what kind of person he was and maybe someone point in your life you fought for his praise and even when he was dying he managed to praise you."
I couldn't help but keep crying I hated him I hated him so much but yet I still was shedding tears for him but I also think I was crying because I knew I was finally free from him.

Couple of days later•
~Aizawa's POV~

"How's asuna."
"She's in a coma her body took a lot of damage from the night they were surprised she was even conscious at all when she came in they think she might not wake up." I said running my fingers through my hair.
"And what about Bakugo."
"He's In stable condition and should make a recovery he doesn't know about Asuna yet."

~Bakugo's POV~

I slowly opened my eyes the squinting as the bright hospital
Lights hit my eyes.
"Hey Bakugo! Man your finally awake!"
"Shitty hair?" I said sitting up "what happened."
"You past out you've been out for a couple of days now." Deku said
"Where's Asuna?"
"She's in the next room over." Aizawa said walking into the room "how is she?" I asked.
"She's okay but."
"But what?" I asked starting to getting anxious.
"She's in a coma Bakugo and they think she might not wake up her body took a lot of damage as well."
I clenched the hospital sheets in my hands trying to hold back tears. "She'll wake up I know it she promised me she would come back alive so she can't die not yet." I said my grip on the sheets tightened "she can't not until we become heroes together until I get spend the rest of my life with her so you go in there and tell that shitty flame girl if she doesn't open her fucking eyes right now I'll blow her ass up!" I said looking back up at them I could feel the tears sliding down my face now. everyone was staring at me and in that moment I didn't give a fuck all I cared about was asuna and getting her to wake up so that I could see her smile again that's all I want.

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