T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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"I fucking love you Asuna."

My heart felt like it stopped for a moment hearing those words coming from his mouth  again I heard them before when I was under control and didn't have my memories but i thought he was just saying them to bring me back

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

My heart felt like it stopped for a moment hearing those words coming from his mouth  again I heard them before when I was under control and didn't have my memories but i thought he was just saying them to bring me back. I looked down at my hands.

"Do you really mean that Bakugo."

~Bakugo's POV~

I grabbed her by her arms and kissed her. I pulled away staring at her "I fucking mean it why the fuck would I not mean it! If I didn't mean it why the fuck would I be here stupid shitty flame girl. You have me wrapped around that pretty little finger of yours and you know it." I say and I could feel my face heat up. I look at her and could see tears welling up in her eyes again

"Why are you crying!"She wipes her face and a smile forms on her face "I'm just happy is all

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Why are you crying!"
She wipes her face and a smile forms on her face "I'm just happy is all." She says she then pulls me into a hug. "I'm just happy I couldn't help but cry."

~Asuna POV~

•couple of days pass•

I was finally able to leave the hospital and I couldn't be happier I hate being stuck in there for too long. Aizawa picked me up from the hospital before going to the dorms we stopped at the school to have a meeting with the principal, All Might and the police chief.
I was scared but Aizawa told me I would be okay but part of me didn't think so. Aizawa slid open the door and eyes landed on me I grabbed onto the back of aizawa's shirt and he turned to look at me "it's alright." He whispered to me and I looked up at him nodded.
"Ah miss kasai it's great to see your doing well!" Principal nezu said.
I nodded "thank you sir."
He smiled and motioned for the empty seats and we took our seats.
"Miss Kasai we just want to assure you that your not in trouble or anything so please relax we know the situation and that you were being controlled." Principal nezu says with a small smile.
"But why the police chief." I ask.
He clears his throat and looks at me "I'm just here to see if I can get any information that you maybe possibly remembered. I assure you Miss Kasai you aren't in any trouble like Principal Nezu said."
"I'm sorry I don't remember anything." I say looking down at my hands "if I remember anything I promise I'll let you know right away." I say.
"Please do I'll greatly appreciate it. Something else we need to ask is what happened that day at camp" The police chief says.

I told them everything from me and izuku running through the woods and me fighting Hotaru from me being taken and waking up in the place. I told them everything even the stuff from when i was at my father's hideout up to the point when I lost my memories.

"Alright that will do thank you Miss Kasai."
I nod my head.
Me and Aizawa stand up "I'm going to take her to the dorms." He says.
"Alright and then we can continue our meeting."
I bow to all of them and when I came back up I made eye contact with All Might. I remember Bakugo telling me All Might lost his quirk and is now a regular person. I walked over to him and bowed "All Might I'm so sorry I'm so sorry for what I did and said."
"Young Kasai lift your head." I did what he said and looked at him he placed his hand on my head "no need to apologize! I forgive you and you don't need to carry that burden anymore." He said with a smile I felt the tears welling up in my eyes "thank you All Might." I say.

We made our way to the dorms and to be honest I was kinda nervous even though no one was going to be there right now since everyone is at school right now. Aizawa slowly opened the door and went in and I walked in behind him he turned around to look at me "your room is on the second floor the last door on the left. I'm going to head back for our meeting we have to finish before lunch is over. So go get situated and maybe rest for a while."
I nodded "yes sir." I watch as he left and when I can't see him Anymore I made my way to the elevator going to the second floor.
"Last door on the left." I say to myself as I approach the door. I slowly open the door and go inside and see a familiar black cat on my
Bed "K-kuro!" I yelled running over to him and picking him up he immediately realizes it's me and starts purring loudly and rubbing against my face meowing "I missed you so much."

I put kuro back on the bed and sit down looking around "this is our new place huh."
I say petting him "I liked Aizawa's place better." I said looking at the black cat and her let's out a small meow "you too huh kuro."
I lay back on the bed staring up at the ceiling
when suddenly a face flashes through my head a guy with scars and black hair and the bluest of eyes. "Who was that!?" I yelled to myself.
"Maybe someone I've seen on the street before or something." I say shaking my head. I felt a little pressure on my chest I looked to see Kuro curled up on my chest "I guess I have to nap too now." I shrug.

hours pass•

I slowly open my eyes sitting up in my bed "wow I must of be tired." I say as I stretch my body standing up. "I'm kinda hungry what about you kuro!" I say looking at the cat rubbing by my legs. "Come on."
I pick up kuro and we head out the door and down to the kitchen and living room area. I open the door and that's when I notice everyone staring at me "A-Asuna!"
Someone says.
"Hi everyone." I kinda whisper letting kuro jump from my arms.
Before I could even blink all the girls were running towards me they engulfed me in a big group hug "we've missed you!" They yelled
"We're so glad your okay!"
"Welcome back!"
I could feel the tears slipping out from my eyes I couldn't help but cry.
I chatted with them for a moment before everyone else started coming up to me.
"We didn't know you were coming home today." Izuku said.
"I'm sorry about that." I said rubbing the back of my neck.
"It's alright we're just glad your back!" Kirishima said with a big toothy grin.
"How are you feeling?" Izuku ask.
"I'm feeling great! I'm just glad I can finally get back to work." I say smiling. I look around trying to look for Bakugo when I see him sitting on the couch I walk over to him and sit down next to him "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home you shitty flame girl." Bakugo said. I grabbed his hand "I'm sorry kacchan just be glad I'm back okay!"
Suddenly todoroki was in front of us "hey todoroki!" I say smiling.
"Asuna your home now." He says and I nod "yes!" I look up at him and his blue eye catches my attention his eye reminds me of that mysterious guys eyes that I saw. Suddenly a sharp pain goes through my head I see more flashes of that guy walking towards me.

"Hey shitty flame girl are you okay!" Bakugo asks looking at me with a worried look on his face

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Hey shitty flame girl are you okay!" Bakugo asks looking at me with a worried look on his face. I rub my the side of my head and shake my head a little "yeah I'm okay just a headache I haven't ate today." I lied. "Well let's get something to eat!" I say standing up pulling the boy with me to the kitchen "you too todoroki!" I yell to him.

'Who the hell is that guy I need to find out!'

A Heart Of Fire (Katsuki Bakugo Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang