Element Of Surprise

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Chapter 83

Wei Li Lian

Yuwen Hong is the emperor! Luo Meng is Yuwen Hong. My beloved is Yuwen Hong.’

Bù kěnéng.(impossible)

Luo Meng was kind. He was sweet, gentle, caring and sensitive. Luo Meng was nothing like Yuwen Hong. He was respectful. So… how was it her beloved was this beast she was not aware of?

When Yuwen Hong recited the poem, she knew it from there and then that he was the emperor of Nevoria as she had suspected. Mistress Kei had her memorise numerous poems written by the emperor in the hopes that she would understand his mind and know what to expect. What he said when she asked him why he was a person who harbored anger, was an excerpt of one of his many poems.

Yuwen Hong had always been the Grand General to her and overnight he became the emperor, her mark and the target on her mission. In that moment she had to act as if she was one who did not understand the poem though she fully understood what he meant.

'I wake up with the sun up high.' The sun signified the emperor. This meant that overnight he woke up to find himself being the emperor.

'The Dragon has fallen,' meant his father had died.

'Birds chirp everywhere in the sky,' spoke of the chaos that came, then
'Last night blood was a river,' shared about the blood shed that took place in the palace due to his father's death.

His anger was rooted from the massacre that involved his father. She couldn't begin to imagine his hatred toward her country, as they were  responsible for the assassination. When at the Borderlands his only wish toward her was that she wouldn't be from Huticah.

As if that was not enough, he was also suspicious of her identity. How was she to tell him that she was Elora when within her was agony, hatred and anger? The man she hated and blamed to be the cause of her oppressive life was her 'beloved'.

This could serve to explain why he didn't tell her the truth concerning his name back at the Borderlands. Perhaps, he thought she would hate him as the emperor. Which was true.

The following day was a haze. She carried herself best as she could but she was far from the present, her mind being miles away. Luckily for her she served in the garden all day, since they were told that the Grand General was going to rest for the day.

She couldn't figure out what the problem may be till she remembered about her sly move. The previous night, she applied an ointment that would have him swollen for the most part of the day. It was her sweet revenge but all that did not seem to matter anymore.

She was preparing for bed when her door opened then closed as quick as it opened. On her bed was a cast stone, obviously a note from her people. Quickly, she unfolded the paper wrapped around the stone.

‘Code Danger. The emperor wants you dead. Stay away from him for the time being.’

She silently chuckled, aware of her rebellious nurture.

When told to stay away from something, it was the more she desired that something. Danger was thrilling, especially the people that were it―not mentioning a particular someone of course.

When neck to neck with danger, there were two ways one could confront it; run or get burnt. Running was not an option. If she ran where would she go to? Her father would not let her off. If she stayed, she was to survive and live, being empress didn’t matter, she just had to survive primarily.

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