"Good evening," he greets, his training kicking in. "How are you ladies doing?"

"Wonderful now that you're here, Son. Have a seat here next to Nehir."

Cavidan moves from her spot next to the younger woman - Nehir, Emir assumes - and goes over to the smaller sofa. She motions for Emir to sit down before calling for Nigar to bring more coffee.

"No. No coffee," he refuses, looking at his watch. "I'm actually just here to pick you up for dinner."

"Was that tonight?" Cavidan asks, exaggerated and faux surprise in her voice. "I had completely forgotten."

A sly grin crosses her face and Emir doesn't know whether to be annoyed or afraid.

"I have a great idea! Esma and Nehir can join us," Cavidan suggests. "That way, we can all catch up and Emir and Nehir can get to know each other better. Oh! Even their names sound good together."

Emir's eyes go huge at his mother's less than subtle actions. Is she actually trying to match make him with this girl?

"Cavidan, Darling. How about you ride with me and we can let these young folks have a little privacy," the older woman says, pulling Cavidan by the hand and moving towards the door.

The two women have escaped before Emir can protest and Emir finds himself left alone with Nehir. He opens his mouth to start an apology when he notices a look on Nehir's face that's anything by embarrassed. She seems like she's a part of this whole fiasco. His suspicions are confirmed when she walks to him and slides her hand up and down his arm.

"Shall we go?" she asks flirtatiously, her eyes blinking seductively at him.

He takes one giant step away. Then he takes another one for good measure. What has his mother gotten him into?

He just shakes his head and lets out a deep sigh. He knows exactly what his mother has gotten him into. He's just lucky he had advance warning. Otherwise her plans might have been successful in causing him some serious trouble.

This particular plan involves this girl and the mass of reporters he knows is waiting outside the mansion gates. He isn't sure what his mother planned to gain by having him caught alone with this woman, but he knows it won't work. Not when he has his own secret weapon.

Emir and Nehir leave the mansion and they walk towards his car. He can see the surprise on her face when he opens the back door for her. She slides inside anyway and he has to hold back his laugh when he hears her gasp of shock. When he slides into his own seat, he makes introductions.

"Nehir, this is Reyhan ... my wife."

Her cheeks turn red and she has the decency to feel embarrassed by what she's done. He rolls his eyes. What did Cavidan really think was going to happen here?

"If my information is correct, then the paparazzi is waiting for us," Emir says as he drives towards the gate. "Too bad they're about to be disappointed."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The situation at the gate with the media was as Emir expected. And was warned. One of the journalists there is an old friend of Emir's and called to give him the warning.

"Just as a heads up," she had said when she called him. "Your mom is setting you up to be caught with your pants down, so to speak."

She had gone on to explain how several of the different press outlets had been leaked the information about Emir possibly being free in the very near future and stepping out with who could possibly be the next Tarhun daughter in law. Right then, Emir realized his mother was planning a surprise for him for when he got to the house to pick her up. So he decided to have a surprise for her instead. He brought Reyhan along to put an end to any potential rumors.

As payment for the warning, Emir and Reyhan decided to give the journalist a hint about Reyhan's pregnancy. He didn't come out and make an official announcement, but he did give a hint about a couple of stores they visited while in Greece with Hikmet. Emir expects to see pictures of him and Reyhan going to baby and maternity stores posted soon. And with Reyhan's once trim waistline being replaced by a small bump, he suspects the pregnancy will be revealed soon anyway.

Once they got away from the house, and the paparazzi, they dropped Nehir off and made her catch a taxi to wherever she decided to go next. She was no longer Emir's problem. And Emir and Reyhan went out to celebrate the crisis averted. He can only imagine what Cavidan's reaction will be to seeing the pictures of his intimate, romantic dinner with Reyhan in the news instead of the scenario she attempted to set up.

"What do you think she's going to do now?" Reyhan asks later that evening when they've made it to bed.

She's facing away from him, laying in his arms so that he can hold her and her belly. But he can hear the worry in her voice even without seeing it on her face. Or in those huge, expressive eyes. She puts her hands on top of his and they both cradle their babies.

"Let's not worry about her," Emir suggests, leaning over to give her a kiss on the shoulder. "How are you? How are the babies?"

"My belly is starting to poke out," she says, a little giggle in her voice.

He knows she's still worried. But he doesn't want that for her. He wants this time to be nothing but happiness for her.

"I think we can strike Nehir off the baby name list," he quips. "I still can't believe that actually happened today."

And he cringes, realizing he reminded her again about his mother and her antics. She turns around so that she can face him. She puts a hand on his cheek and smiles at him.

"Even if you weren't warned beforehand, I hope you know that I trust you, Emir. I know the kinds of games and tricks to expect from your mom and from Cemre now. Clearly nothing is off limits to them. This isn't the first time they've tried to make me believe you'd cheat on me. I guess I should be grateful this time they didn't put another woman in your bed."

It doesn't sound at all like the joke he believes she tried to make. It's sad and it's sick. And it lets him know more than ever that it's time to get his mother out of their lives.

"Tomorrow," he promises with a kiss. "This will all be over tomorrow."

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