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We did our best or at least I did,
Our life isn't just too easy like others'
Or maybe others' aren't too but they make it look easy.
Everyone seems fine so do I,
But I am not fine!
Is everyone else is?
I look around to catch a glimpse of something
Not something just anything,
Anything which will make the spiral running in my mind stop
or just pause it,
Okay! may be slow it down a little bit.
How compromising my life has become,
Dropped down my standard so low that I can be pleased by anything,
Literally anything!
Like how my sister bought a pair of heels and gifted me on my last birthday,
I was so excited and seemed happy,
Really happy
but I knew she will be the only one wearing it
because I HATE HEELS!!
Fun fact : She knows it too.
So everyone around me advising me how much better I could handle this relationship,
How more compromising I could have  become,
I wonder if they knew how hard I was on myself ?
just for something that didn't even matter,
yeah it didn't even matter
To him
and now to me either.

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