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Memories begin to fade,
Its been long time
I have seen that smile
Long time i have talked to you
Those memories fill
My heart
And my eyes too
You were beautiful by all means
I force myself to recall those few moments
In my head
Again and again
We had together
I wish i can rewind them
I wish i can tell you that
How much I love and adore you
Its been time when we didn't talk
And also times
When late night chats never end
You were a dreamy person
Who left a huge hole
In my heart and soul
not even
The great healer "TIME"
Can heal it
It always gets worse as the time passes by
I haven't seen you
And i know i can't
But only memory i had of you
With me
Is fading
Please come back refresh them
Rebuild those blissful moments
I wish you could
I wish i could

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