Chapter 24

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(Annabelle's POV)

Jason said he had big news. We were sitting in his office waiting for him to come in. Emmett kept bouncing his leg while he sat next to me on the couch. His keys jingled to the point where I wanted to punch him.

"Stop!" I yelled, hitting his knee.

"Thank you!" Sean sighed.

"No need to be violent," Emmett muttered.

"I'm going to be as violent as I want," I sassed. "Your keys were so annoying."

"You're so annoying," Emmett mumbled.

"Excuse me? I'm fabulous!" I cheered, striking a pose.

"Yeah, keep dreaming." Emmett laughed.

"When is he gonna be here?" Nick whined.

"You have the patients of a two year old," James teased.

Nick put his thumb in his mouth and pretended to start crying.

"I want my mommy!" Nick shrieked.

"I don't think someone would be needed their mommy if their going on a tour," Jason laughed, walking in the door.

"But James is being a bully!" Nick cried.

"You're the one who was-"

"Wait, did you say tour?" I asked, interrupting James' accusation.

"Yes," Jason replied. "I did."

"We're going on a tour!" Sean exclaimed.

He jumped up and down and soon we all joined him.

"Okay! Calm down!" Jason laughed. "First order of business, interview. Next is going on the tour, and lastly, we come back and start a new album."

"When's the interview?" Emmett asked.

"In two hours."

"Two hours!" Nick yelled.

"Yes, which means we gotta get a move on," Jason said. "The limo is waiting for us outside."

"We get to go in a limo?" Nick asked.

"Obviously, you guys are famous now." Jason shrugged. "There's a few things we need to talk about the tour first. One, we need someone to film while you're on the bus. I suggest not giving the expensive camera to Nick. Second of all, there will be eight bunks so you can bring three extra people on the tour. Only three. Third, you'll have to be with security wherever you go. You have no idea what teenagers are like. I don't think I'm missing anything so let's go!"

"Let's bring Brooke, Adrian, and Elliot," Emmett suggeted.

"Let's not bring Elliot," Sean said.

"Elliot is coming," I stated.

"But then that's going against my plan!" Sean whined.

"Too bad," I said.


"Can we save this argument for later?" Jason ushered us out the door. "You'll be in trouble if you miss the interview. It's going on live TV so don't mess up and think carefully about what you say."

"Can't we have friends and stuff sitting in the audience?" Emmett asked.

"I already invited Elliot, Brooke, Adrian, and your parents and siblings," Jason said. "Now hurry, it's not far but they still have to do make up and stuff."

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