Chapter 14

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(Cammie's POV)

After making sure Annabelle was healthy both physically and mentally they finally released her from the hospital on Friday afternoon. The whole family, Elliot, and the guys went to Cierra's house. The kids were all in the basement and the adults were talking in the living room.

"How was the fire started?" Isaac asked.

"I think the people below them left their straightener plugged in or something like that," Noah said.

"Have you guys told the kids about you-know-who?" Bethany asked.

"No," Isaac said.

"Definitley not," Jordan said as though it were obvious.

"When are you going to?" Bethany asked.

"When they turn eighteen," I said.

"I think it's most important to tell them. He's their real father so he'll want to get in contact with them the most," Cierra said.

"Who is whose real father?" Annabelle asked in the doorway.

"It's just something from an old tv show," I said cooly.

"Oh okay. Can me, Adrian, Elliot, the guys, and my friend Brooke go for fro-yo?" She asked.

"I guess that's okay," Isaac said.

She smiled and hopped out the front door where the others must be waiting.

"We don't have to worry about Zachary right now. He's still in jail for four more years," Jaime reminded us.

"You're right. The twins will be twenty and our boys will be ninteen and sixteen," Jordan said putting his arm around Jaime.

"Sophia will only be seven," Cierra said sound scared.

"It's okay, we'll keep a close eye out for her," Noah said.

"My kid will be four years old," Bethany said.

We all turned to stare at her in shock.

"Surprise!" She cheered making jazz hands.

"What? When? Who?" Jordan questioned overprotectively.

"You know that guy, Daniel, the one i've been getting serious with? Well, I found out I was pregnant one and a half weeks ago and was waiting for the right time to anounce it," Bethany explained.

We all congratulated and gave her hugs. I grabbed my cup and went to the kitchen for a refill on my pop. Sean came into the kitchen and grabbed the hoodie he must've forgotten.

"I heard what you said," Sean blurted.

"What are you talking about?" I asked laughing.

"I'm talking about Zachary," Sean said.

I set my cup back down because I think I was going to drop it.

"Who is he? Is he Annabelle and Adrian's real father?" Sean asked.

"Sit down," I said gesturing to the chairs at the counter. "Zachary Warden is their real father. When I was sixteen he kidnapped and raped me. He tried to kill Jordan, Cierra, Bethany, Issac, and I. He is a bad man and you cannot tell the twins about this. It's for their own safety. Annabelle will try to find him and Adrian will happily help. You have to promise not to tell anyone."

He seemed to think about it before solemnly nodded.

"Good, now go before they wonder what's taking you so long," I said shooing him out the door.

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