24|| Heartbreaks and Hormones

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Her arms went to wrap around my neck, pulling me into a soft kiss. I always craved her kisses, so it felt like pure bliss to have her lips on mine. I tasted the salty tears she shed and held her tighter, closer to me. Her teeth lightly grazed my bottom lip, leaving a tingly feeling in my heart as I wanted more. As she deepened the kiss and we let our tongues dance, her hands went to bury themselves in my waves, running her fingers through them with a delicateness that had me light-headed and wobbly on my feet.

We only stopped when a snapping sound akin to a stick breaking resounded through the mini forest. Our heads snapped up in that direction at the same time, scanning the area to only see silhouettes against the backlight of the house

Only a small voice could be heard. "What the heck..."

As the silhouettes walked closer, all I could register was the fast thumping sound I could hear my heart make. We couldn't see them, but they could definitely make us out with the light coming from the house. Nervous didn't even come close to the feeling I was experiencing. This could be anyone, and what's worse, they can tell everyone what they saw.

Leah was just as anxious, with a deer in the headlights type expression on her face, slowly retracting her hands from my hair.

Only when they were a couple of metres away from us, were we finally able to identify them and distinguish their features from the backlight.

"Hayley?! Olivia?!"

"Hey..." the former trailed off awkwardly. "We came to see what was wrong since you rushed off so fast... Should we just go?" she suggested, her eyes darting between the two of us.

I looked to my girlfriend to see she had the same panicked and unsure expression that I had.


"What is going on between you two?" Olivia was the one to boldly ask, gazing at us with an unreadable face as she crossed her arms.

"Liv," Hayley warned as she nudged her side.

"What? I just want to know what our friend has been keeping from us," she justified, looking back to us for an answer.

I felt trapped like I was cornered and made to confess. This wasn't how I wanted to come out to my friends, but what else could I say right now?

"I've been datin- Leah is my girlfriend, yes," I confirmed, looking to the said girl with uncertainty. She nodded her head in support, knowing that it had to be me to explain it to them.

"Damn, wasn't expecting that," Hayley whistled. "Congrats, I guess?"

Olivia's tense posture remained so as she deliberated over the new information. Her reply was a simple question. "Why didn't you tell us?"

Was it because I wasn't ready? Was it because I was afraid that they would hate me? That I'd lose them as friends and no longer have the relationship we have as teammates? To be honest, it's all the above. Their friendship meant something to me, and I wasn't about to recklessly risk that.

"I was scared," was all I could say.

My vulnerable words were left hanging in the air between us. No one spoke for a moment as we allowed ourselves to absorb it. The tension broke when Hayley took a step forward.

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