♥08♥ WINGS vs Kiseki no Sedai

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"I like to stroll on top of buildings with sniper rifle." Midorima was being sarcastic. 

"Hahahaha! That is funny!" Judging from the military uniform and the WINGS symbol on his armor chest plate, Takao's working for WINGS too. "I'm Takao Kazunari!" 

"Midorima Shintarou."

"Wow! You told me your name?! That is unexpected..." 

"That is because you will not remember it anymore..." Midorima pulled out a military knife from behind and he was going to cut Takao on the neck, trying to make him bleed to death. 

"Woo~! Real close~!" Midorima couldn't get Takao in the neck because Takao used his gun to block the knife. He avoided death with ease. "Shin-chan, you are good!" 

"Don't call my name in such a friendly manner, Takao." 

Back with Kise and Mitsuru, they were able to sneak their way away from the hospital. The plan had some changes here and there but it was half way done. 

"Momocchi found out WINGS were going to complete and start giving out the 'cure' for the disease. We have to stop it and destroy the research facility before it's too late." Kise started to explain their intentions to Mitsuru, "They have not developed a cure at all. It's actually a bio-organic weapon that takes over a human and turn them into Angels at a much faster rate." 

"WINGS developed that?" 

"We have been trapped not because we are surrounded in a disease, we are trapped because we are the guinea pigs for them to test on." 

Mitsuru had no idea what to say. She has always been suspicious of it but she never said a thing; if the disease existed, why doesn't half of the population showed symptoms of transforming into Angels?

"Remember the Class 1-C massacre? That student that turned into an Angel actually received a shot from the hospital after a check up."

"You're saying that we are all experiments?"


"But why? What for-" Mitsuru was tackled to the ground by Kise. They have just dodged a bullet. "Kise!"

"Mitsucchi, are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine..."

"Tch..." Kise looked back and he took his gun out.

"Well it seems like I have found my first prey already~! Lucky me~! Nice to meet you, pretty girl! My name is Tsugawa Tomoki and I am here to arrest you~!" The young soldier was the same age as Kise and Mitsuru. "Backup is on their way so you have no choice but to give up!" 

"Like hell we will give up-" 

"Kise..." Mitsuru raised her hand, "It's fine." She assured him it will be fine as she made her way forward to Tsugawa, her hands above her head as a sign of lack of malice. 

"Mitsucchi!" Kise shouted. 

"Good! Maybe I will get a promotion because I have the Queen!" 

'WINGS have learnt Mitsucchi's identity as the Queen... Somebody must have leaked information...' Kise thought in his mind. 

"Hello? Is this Iwamura Tsutomu? Hahaha! I don't need backup after all! The Queen agreed to come with me! Do you think I can get a raise?" Tsugawa talked into the walkie talkie and he was informing his senpai that he has the Queen in his hands. 

--You little brat, it's Senpai! Learn to use honorifics, you baldy!-- 

"No need to be so mad! I won't need to use honorifics once I am in a higher position than you..." He turned to leave, happily talking down to his Senpai.

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