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Why me? WHY ME ?! Everything is out of place. Life is hell. Love is dead and me ? I am a living corpse.

Its like my heart has been ripped out of my body. Only my mind is working and it computes that, "you have comitted a crime and you can't escape so soon. You will have to pay the price."

And believe me it feels worse.
"Y/n !!! Are you okay ?" Lisa beams at me as she enters the dungeon.

I pay no heed to her.

"Sissy, I am so sorry. I put you in danger." His eyes are downcast wile untying me.

"I am fine." Hyung looks up at me as I bluntly answer him.

"y/n those fuckers managed to get away but I got this one !" He says as he drags him.

"Hongjoong ! Jackson ! He will bleed to death ! Take him to the hospital fast !!! Baekhyun please hurry !"

Baekhyun just huffs in response.

"Fine. But only because we need his statement."


Some days have passed and Joong is alright now.

There was pin drop silence in the police station. We all were waiting for Hongjoong to give his statement.

"I am asking for the 16th time! You mutt better speak !"

Seriously, Baekhyun is so intolerant !

"Huh. You all seriously think I'll speak ? Well, you are wrong."

He pauses and looks at me with distaste and continues.

"And my dearest noona why don't you kill me huh ? You are not the small cat that we all thought you were. You really did put up a good act. How could you act like Miss goody two shoes ?"

I stay quiet at his outburst.

"Better option, I won't betray hyung like you did."

Saying this he, kicked Baekhyun to his knees and grasped the gun from his holster.

"No Joong !"

But my words were worthless. He shot himself through and through his skull. His limp body fell on the table as he spat out blood.

My legs gave up. I slumped on the floor with a thud.

Suddenly my phone rang as 'Unknown' lighted up on the screen.


My throat dried up at he voice.

"Hey babygirl."
Chills ran down my spine. His deep and husky voice. His voice echoed in my head repeatedly.

He was calling me his babygirl.
But not with love.
With hate.

"He didn't speak now. Did he ?"

I could literally hear him smirk on the other hand.

"Oh ! Your voice froze ??"

"What do you want ?! You managed to escape this time. But I will get you, anyhow !"

He just chuckled. "You better not try. Because it is dangerous to follow a wounded tiger. Especially you are the one who destroyed my everything !!"

Tears stream down my face and my arms and legs start shaking.

"You are the one y/n who started this game of Russian Roulette. And you cannot leave it so soon.
Just to remind you baby. I will not back off so easily so be ready.

The game is not over... Yet."

The End

Hufff !! At last I could put a stop to this story. I was so so worried that I would've to discontinue this story but now after 6 months finally I am able to put two and two together.
Thank you all for your immense love and support.💜💜💜💜💜

And for the last time, don't forget to vote !!! 😁😁😁


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