It was a big mistake kitten.

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(Later that night)

Namjoon was fast asleep. It was my chance. I slowly got up from the bed and strode towards his work table. As planned, I transfer his file to Lisa's computer. Suddenly, a wave of guilt washes upon me.

Why am I doing this to him? More appropriately,

Why do I feel guilty doing this?
Am I falling for him?

Heck. I already fell for him last night...

But this doesn't change the fact that he is a threat to my nation. After the completion of transfer, I go and lay down beside Namjoon.

"I know you will hate me after knowing the truth, but I will always, Love You."

(Next morning)

I woke up to a sleeping y/n beside me. Not gonna lie, she looked more beautiful in my sweatshirt, a total koala!!! Last night was a trance, a beautiful one. I wish I could keep her with me for my lifetime. Hey, the idea doesn't sound bad though !

I get out of my bed and take a shower. I look at the clock and wake y/n up.

"Hey cutie wake up."
No answer.
"We'll go to Starbucks."

"I am up !!" She jolts awake in an instant and rubs her eyes.

I peck her forehead, "Go take a shower, I am down."

But such a day had to be ruined.
"What are you doing here?" I ask not so happy of his presence.

He laughs, "I came here to entertain you!!!"

Anger builds up inside me.
"Yoongi, do I look like a fool to you?!"

I shout as I glare at Hongjoong and Hoseok.

Yoongi grimaces, " Awwww, don't stare at them like that ! You will scare them. They did their work but I stopped them. Let's make a deal."

I stare at him, "What is it?"

He smiles, "You will have to kill that Chief Inspector and we will be on good terms."

"Huh? Police? What do you mean?"

Hongjoong speaks up, "y/n noona is not who you think she is."

I am so confused !
"Say clearly !"

"y/n noona is the Chief Inspector of Seoul !" Hoseok shouts. "She came here to spy on you and most of our data is now in foreign hands."

I feel my whole world crumbling down.

Yoongi places a hand on my shoulder, "I pity you kiddo."

I fall on my knees. Tears of desperation, sadness, betrayal and fury fall non stop from my orbs that soak up my torso.

Why is it me always? Why does everyone betray me? Am I so gullible?

I stand up and stagger my way up the stairs to my room. I open the door revealing her, beautiful as ever.
She notices me and walks over. Draping her arms around me she stares sweetly at me.

"Joon? What happened?"
I smirk, "Nothing."

I look at her with hate.
"Kitten you should have thought twice before entering into the lion's den."

To Be Continued...

Oh My Freaking Lord !!! I was so excited to write this part !! Officially my favorite chapter.
Please vote if you want to keep me alive ! 😝😝😝💜💜💜💜💜

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