The Night Is Still Young

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"And cheers !" He raises a toast to me and I follow him. His eyes are so captivating, alluring, and what not.

"So you rap ? You don't look like a rapper though!" He smirkes at my comment and touches my hand slightly.

"So what do I look like ?"

Damn, he is such a tease and I swear it is working. Play it cool.

"A flirt."

What in the world did I just say ?! And now he was laughing his ass off.

"Damn you are too innocent !" he said as he smiled at me tears falling out of his eyes due to excessive laughing.

How can this person do such gruesome things to anyone ?

His phone lights up and he quickly picks it up and whispers something that I can barely hear. But from some of the words I made out I clearly know it's not good.

I quickly excuse myself and hurry over to the washroom and switch on my earpiece and take out the mini mic from my dress's breast pocket.

"This is y/n here." After they all approve of their presence I start, "I have some bad news. From the information I gathered, they are not doing the deal today. Meet me at the exit in ten minutes."

I make my way to Kim Namjoon. "Hey there. The night has been kinda boring ya know ? Wanna dance ?"


"Sorry but I am afraid I'll have to refuse this time. My friends are leaving and I don't wanna be left behind"

He strokes my thighs, "I could always drop you off."

I look down on my lap and speak up, "Give me your phone." He gets startled at my sudden outburst and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Your phone." I repeat and he takes out his phone and places it on my palm. I take it and quickly dial my number and save it.

"Done. And good bye." Handing the phone to him I kiss him on the cheeks and leave with a smile.

"It is fucked up !" Jackson shouts. I groan in annoyamce and throw a cushion at him.

"Shut up you kid. What do we do now ? And more importantly how the fuck did they know about us ?!"

Hyung looks at me with sympathy, "It's fine sis. I know he will contact you."

"How are you so sure ?" Lisa chimes in.

Hyung scratches his eyebrows and says, "I just know."

He looks at me and gives me an invisible approval.

I seriously don't know where is this going. I wanna pack my bags and fly to Bora-Bora and drink tons of Mojito. That's it.

To be continued...

Edit: I am editing the whole story and I have completely changed this particular chapter 😎

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Bye !!

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