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I arch my back to bring back to life the muscles of mine that had went to sleep during the 7 hours flight back to my home.

Slowly I squint my eyes open at the oh-so-sweet voice of the air hostess.
"At last I am here." I have a bad stomach and the food in Japan was...not so my type. Some good food I will get to eat now.

As I make my way outside the Incheon airport, I spot Lisa waiting for me. I wave my hands at her while walking up to her. "Girl, I missed you so much." She whined.
"Okay okay, let's go now. Right ?" She nodded and we started walking up to the parking lot.

"All your girly talks finished ? Because I am waiting for like 20 minutes and you both are going on continuously." I smile, "Okay Lisa lets go already, I don't wanna annoy Jackson." Saying we got in the car and sped off.

After a drive of about half an hour we reach my house.

"Bye people !" I bid my friends goodbye and close the door behind me. These guys make my life awesome. Even though I am their senior at office still they make the grumpy atmosphere at the Police Headquarters so light and happy for me. While thinking, a smell strucks my nose.

"Mr. Taehyung ! You lied ?!" Hearing my voice he comes out sheepishly from the kitchen. He only mumbles,"Hey..."

I glare at him. "I am very angry hyung you didn't come to pick me up but since you have some tasty food, I forgive you."

I was sleeping peacefully as it was my day off today but suddenly my phone started ringing.

I pick up the phone after seeing the caller ID. "Yo boss.", I sleepily greet my senior. Mr. Baekhyun, who in turn bursts my eardrums. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO LIKE THAT ?!" 

Tch. All fuckers.
"Sorry sir. Chief Inspector y/n on your duty sir !" I could say he was very happy after waking me up at 7 am on my day off.
"I am grieved I had to disturb your sleep and day off. But we need you on a new mission. And you must report in the my office in one hour."

Such a great start of the day.

Little did she know, that her life was 'bout to turn upside down...

To Be Continued...

Heya guys ! So tandada !!! At last my dream of writing a mafia au came true !! Hope y'all enjoy this fic . Till then Bye Bye !!
Oh !And don't forget to vote 😘😘


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