Down the Stairs

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"VEEEEEEEERIIIIITYYYYYY!!!!" Sylvia screamed, clutching Moonie's waist, as the door slid down the stairs.

Verity was too busy screaming to respond.

"YOU TWO ARE GOING TO GET US KILLED!" Moonstone yelled from the front, but it wasn't accusatory. No, she was very much aware of this plan and how it would turn out for the three of them.

The door skidded, trailing sparks behind them. Doors along the staircase started opening, watching for the split second that the girls were in view.

Verity steadied herself and grabbed her sister's waist, "HOLD ON TO THE DOOR MOONIE"

The gargoyle gripped the edges of the door and opens her stone wings to help slow the descent. Verity opened up her leathery wings in return.


"I'M THINKING I'M THINKING!" Sylvia gripped her wand in one hand, "I GOT IT!" She closed her eyes, slowly releasing her grip in Moonstone, "I bid you stop, I bid you go, as purple sparks fall like the snow, circle us and watch the show, I ask you now to help us slow!"

When nothing happened Verity yelled at her sister, "THAT WAS THE BEST YOU HAVE? THAT WAS SO PRETENTIOUS!"

"YOU WANNA TRY?!" Sylvia turned to glare at her sister when a light jumped out of her wand and purple sparks circled the door which skids to a stop.

They all exhaled.

Moonstone and Verity stepped off the door carefully. However, as Sylvia stood up the sparks flickered and shot back down the stairs.

Before either of the girls could even open their wings, the door smashed into the bottom of the stairs.

"SYLVIA!" The girls flew down the stairs so see if she was alright.

"Sylvia?" Verity leaned over her sister, "You ok?"

Sylvia opened her eyes to look at her sister, "I think s- hey Mrs. Copperflow!"

Their teacher smiled a tight and forced smile, "Office young ladies. Now"

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