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{ Something about Ash and his friends eating chicken nuggies and hot Cheetos warms my heart :3 }

" Bro! The chicken nuggets are almost done!" Skip exclaimed. Shorter got excited when he heard that, having savanged around Eiji's place for some ketchup and barbeque sauce as well. Though they were going through some heavy shit at the moment and literally planning a guy's murder, they wanted to have a good night and make the best of the situation. They could all at least hang out as friends unless a situation arose.

" So... tell me more about this family of yours." Ash said, sitting by Eiji on the bed. They had the lamps turned off, not wanting to let anyone on the outside know what room they were in. But the hall light was on and its illumination was pouring in, so it wasn't like they were being weirdos in a dark room.

Eiji glanced over to Ash.

" Well, I have my parents, and then my kid sister." He explained.

" Little sister? She must be adorable."

" Never in a million years." Eiji groaned. His sister could be a little brat sometimes. The youngest ones always got away with everything and were so spoiled it was hardly even possible to him.

Ash laughed, and Eiji felt his heart skip a beat at the uplifting sound. He loved hearing him happy like that. There was a warm and fuzzy feeling that took hold in his chest.

" What's her name?"

" Kabuki." Eiji responded. " She's 11."

" Like kabuki theater?" Ash asked. He remembered learning about that when Dino brought in people to teach him history. Eiji nodded.

" My father works as an investment broker in Tokyo and has to leave every other week, and my mother owns a nail salon in our hometown." He told him, smiling just from the thought of his family. He missed his mother's cooking and his father's bad jokes, even missed his sister barging into his room while he did his homework. But still... America had his friends.

" I see... sounds like you have a pretty cool family." Ash said, smiling at Eiji and leaning back on his hands.

" I'm just a typical Japanese teen, really. But Japan is a beautiful country. We don't have guns or hardcore weapons there, not legally. It's a peaceful place. I wish you could see it someday." Eiji had scooted a little closer to Ash by then, even if he hadn't realized it. His body had a mind of its own when it came to the blonde male, and he didn't have any control over himself. It was almost like he could feel Ash's energy flowing through him whenever they were near.

" We've never talked like this before... I wish we could more often." Ash honestly spoke, a tint of blush taking shape on his cheeks. Eiji didn't notice it, and he didn't feel his cheeks flushing, even if they were so focused on each other.

" Then we will." Eiji assured.

There was a creak from the doorway, making Ash perk up and put his body somewhat in front of Eiji's protectively.

" Just me." Skip snickered, making Ash ease. He almost wondered if he'd interrupted something between Ash and Eiji, but chose to keep that to himself. " The chicken nuggets are done... if you both wanted to come down?" He asked. " If you're not busy..."

Ash realized then that he was blushing and stood up.

" Yeah, sure." He said, praying to whatever god was out there that Eiji hadn't noticed. He didn't get to feel like that about anyone, not anymore.

Eiji got up and followed after Ash as he left the room, stepping around the air mattress they'd blown up and the sleeping bag on the floor. They made their way down the stairs, passing Ibe reading the newspaper in the kitchen.

Worth It {Ash x Eiji}Where stories live. Discover now