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Claw's gripped his skin, refusing to let go. He was damned, damned-

They drew blood. He could see around him. Definitely Hell. Why was he dreaming of Hell? Hell was nothing he feared.

The obsidian and gold of the streets shone back as he was dragged, and he looked around to try and decipher where in Hell he was. Silver and ruby fences enclosed him, each topped with wicked points, and the area around him was blooming with flowers. Off to the side he could see a giant pomegranate tree, surrounded by bricks of steel, and he realized where he was.

He wasn't afraid of Hell, and he wasn't afraid of Hades either. This either was just some weird dream, or wasn't a dream.

But he knew he could feel the pain. Whatever this was, it was real.

"How dead inside are you, I thought you'd struggle more."

"Let me go Tisiphone," Alfred replied, looking at the two furies carrying him, "I can walk."

"Aww, but your so light! It's fun to carry you," Alecto cooed, her blonde hair swishing as her bat wings beat the air, making little to no sound.

"No," Alfred replied, trying to get their grip off his arms. He probably looked like a mess too-

He looked down to reveal that he was in fact wearing his black formal cape embedded with many a precious gemstone, and a pair of tight black pants with a silver belt. No shoes, but that was fairly custom. He also noticed he was transformed, his body covered in it's stripes, and he realized as he flexed his hand, that his claws were out too.

"Ah... I'm changed."

"You think we would leave you hanging?" Alecto asked, laughing wildly.

"Oh, and by the way, it is definitely your personality that would keep a girl around." Tisiphone chuckled, causing him to almost blush red if not for the uno reverse card he had.

"I'm allergic to pussy try again."

Hence the three of them laughing, and him taking this as an option to try and struggle, the furies never faltering, yet Tisiphone did smack him on the top of the head and tried to poke him in the eye with her toe claw.

"Let him down," Megaera said, coming up behind them after... probably securing the gate.

"Aww," Alecto said, dropping half of him before Tisiphone dropped the other side, him landing on his feet and following behind the women, his coat dragging behind him. Megaera flew over him, going to open the door to the castle of Hell. He could see life now. Servants running around, Thanatos perched up on a column like a creepy living gargoyle, Hermes was buzzing around at the speed of light, possibly vying for some sort of nymphs attention, and the gardeners that helped care for Persephone's monster of a garden.

The door opened to reveal a smiling Persephone.

She exclaimed, picking him up. He squeaked before realizing it was death flower mom and hugging her back.

"Uh... what's happening? Is my body actually here?" he asked, tilting his head as Persephone put him down.

"No, you look like your sleeping to outsiders," she said before pouting, "I wish we could bring your king down, but hubby says that he wouldn't take to kindly to that. Is it because he's Orthodox? Satan would probably be fine with interrogating- I mean... asking him a few questions."

He noticed that he could hear a heartbeat, and realized his body was in two places. Kinda cool that he could still hear Ivan's heartbeat in another dimension.

"Most immortal beings don't take to kindly to going to Hell in the first place..." Alfred responded, "and he doesn't need to be interrogated."

"Are you sure?" Persephone asked, tilting her head. Like a chameleon her skin changed from its normal shade of pink too a dark purple, and he instantly felt a little bad.

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