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Yawning, Alfred sat up in his bed, stretching his arms over his head, wincing as his shoulder popped.

Looking around, he tried to figure out where he was before he realized.

Uhhhhh introvert wants to go hooooome.

Pushing himself out of bed, he tried to find his glasses, eventually seeing them on his desk. He put them on be, going into his bathroom and self-caring for about five minutes and cleaning his cuts. Leaving the bathroom, he looked into his closet. It wasn't all that cold anymore, but scars needed to be covered. Putting on some black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a thin black cotton jacket, he deemed himself acceptable and walked out.

He ignored Russia when he saw him. Coffee came first.

"Dobroe utro America," Russia said, breaking the silence as America stared ominously at the coffee machine before it started beeping, America instantly pouring himself a cup of coffee instead of answering. He downed it in about three gulps before pouring himself another.

"America, that's a strong type of coffee," Russia said, coming up behind him, a worried expression, "you'll get sick or worse if you drink too much."

"I'm fine," America grunted, drinking his second cup and pouring himself a third, "there's a caffeinated drink called 'Collage is Hell' and I've had it multiple times."

"Uh? That wasn't my point," Russia replied, "and what even is this drink?"

"Um... six cups Turkish coffee, eight caffeine pills, two bottles of coke," (I'LL SAY IT RN, NEVER EVER DRINK THIS) America said, seeming to try to remember the recipe, "reduced 75% and then three cups of sugar."

"... why would you drink that?"

"First time, 'cause I needed to get stuff done," America grimaced, seeming to remember bad memories, "second, I wanted to feel high and was out of weed, and third and fourth time cause I wanted to die."

"Please... don't drink it again." Russia said as America drank his last cup, placing it in the sink and soaking it. Alfred wasn't even allowed to drink it again, so it didn't matter.

"Who's stopping me?" America tested, wanting to see Russia's reaction.

"Me," Russia countered, trapping America in the corner of the kitchen, "Don't drink it again."

"Fine puppy, I won't," America teased, running a hand along what little of Russia's neck was exposed, the other tensing. With ease, he slipped by, jumping on the couch and clicking the news on.

"This just in, a neo-nazi has rammed his car into anti-racist protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, it is unknown who died or how many deaths in the crash-"

America looked ...unamused... to say the least.

"I'm sorry," Russia said, leaning on the back of the sofa near America's head.

"Huh?" America whipped around, "Oh, I'm not sad, it's just that this happens a lot, most of the time with guns. More annoyed, actually."

"This happens a lot?" Russia asked, surprised. America took a quick second to laugh before answering.

"Most of America's news isn't even available in the EU, NATO, or anything like that. Mostly the good stuff, or the really, really bad stuff is shown."

"Chto? E..." Russia tried, getting tongue tied.

"Heh, my actual news is more like 'Man gets gored by bull while out car shopping', 'Some frat boys got an illness where their piss turns blue', 'Gang is still hunting man in witness protection', 'New York Man arrested for cutting wires to Red Light Cameras after exposing Government Revenue generating scheme', and 'Kid kidnapped by local residents and tortured in a house around the corner.'" America started laughing harder at the look on Russia's face before continuing, "'Inbreeding cult found in Kentucky with blue skin', 'two twelve year old girls attempt to kill their friend, blame Slenderman'-"

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