"So? You two are together?"
What?! I look at Canada confused and he is looking a bit angrily at me.
"What do you mean bro?! I'm not in love with tf!?" I say laughing.

"Stop laughing! Confess me!"


"Confess me that you already like him! Come on! I'm waiting!" He say and gets up of his sit.

"Uhm... We arrived at our stop." I say.
He look at outside and sighed. He didn't wait me and get out of the bus. I followed him and we go to our house silently. And not together, he is infront of me but not exactly.
I wanted to tell him something... So... I did!



He didn't respond.

"You really like Mexico don't you?"

"What's the point of all of this?... In all levels, I'm not good enough for him..."


"But it's true and... And... You know it."

"What do you mean??? You're an example for all the school and the family! You're talented!"

He look down at me, a bit sad, but smiled: "Thanks Ame, for uh... Believing in me... But... I think he isn't the one for me..."
I sighed and we walked home silently again.

When we arrived, he directly go upstairs in his room, just say hello to mom and dad and nothing more.
"What is wrong with him America?" My mom ask me.
I don't want to explaining her what is going on in his life...
It's not their business.
So I just say that he is a bit sad because of something happened today.

"Are you responsible for this?"

"What?!" How can my dad accused me so quickly?! This is M E A N!!!


"After all you did, I'm not impressed if it's a bit your fault."

"It's not...! It's, well... Someone..." I say but didn't wanted to continue more.
So I just helped my mom and dad for the dinner instead, without talking.
I asked where New Zealand and Australia are?
Mom tell me they go outside for fun, like every night, yeah...
After finishing the table and the dinner, I sit at the table and take my phone.
R... Russia?!
It's a message of him!...
Wait... Why? It's suspicious...!
But I look at it!
It's write... "I'm outside of your home, can you open the door please?"
Not now!!!
I'm not ready and... And... Arghhh!!!
"Uhm... I have to talk to someone at the door so... You can started eating." I say to my parents and go opening the door.
And when I opened... Yep, here he is!...
I close the door behind me.

"... Hey..." I say...

"Hey..." He replied...



"What do you want to... Talk about?" I say unsure.

"You." He say and get closer to me.

I backed off a bit but there is the door behind me and I couldn't go further...
He put his arms on the door so... I couldn't look anywhere other than him or my socks!
So I look down, blushing soooo much without saying a word.
He laughed a bit, because of my face and the situation!!!
"You're cute blushing like that!~"
Okay- That's enough!
I look up at him angry: "What do you want?! I don't have time for enigmatic thoughts!"

"Oh!... Uhm... Well, I... I wanted to tell you something..." He struggled and his face... God he is close to mine now!!!
And... Our lips...
No!!! I don't want...!!! Wait...!!! Uh...
I could feel his breath... Like when it happened with... China...

"I... Can't..." I say a bit embarrassed.

"I missed you so much... And... I really wanted to talked with you...!" He say and came really closer to me.
And then... I immediately kiss him on his lips.
God this feeling...! I really missed it!!!
We continued kissing each other passionately...!
Like a couple! A reunified couple!
We let each other go, out of air and painting.
"Does... Does it means that... We're together again?..." I say breathing heavily.
He nodded and we kissed a last time but short this time.

"I'm sorry Darling... How I reacted and made you feel... It wasn't fair..."

"Me too Darling, I'm sorry too."
And then we laughed for... Well... Nothing! Hahaha! Maybe because we called each other darling?!
But it feels good now... We say bye to each other and I open the door.

"WOW!!! C'ÉTAIT PARFAIT!!!" My mom say taking a picture of me with the flash!

"Wh... What?!" I say terrified!

"She took pictures of you kissing your... Boy..." Oh no. My dad started too!

"Don't. say. It!



"BOYFRIEND!!! Hahaha!!!"

I blushed soooo much!!! But it's true... We're together again!

It's official, me and Ruski are together forever this time! Nobody can stop our couple!
Even China, Mexico, or anybody who's trying to! We will fight back!


China's POV

... This was... Unexpected! Well... Russia... You win it! Congrats! You've got America before me!
It took you just a few days! You're so smart! Hihi!~
Well, I saw them kissing, so I presume that they are together. Again.
How?! How do you like this russian and not me?!
What he have that I don't have?!
I... I don't understand...
I started crying a bit but not too much...
I don't want to cry for someone ever again.
I remember when me and America were together...! It was better. I was better than Russia.
But it didn't worked... I will try? No.
I will let him go with the russian? Definitely no. I can ruin their relationship again! And again! AND AGAIN!
Nobody can stop me! Nobody knows!
Okay... I calm down!...
All this time, I was following Russia actually. He was hanging out with his siblings. But I saw Mexico too today, he probably through that I didn't saw him. But I saw him talking with Russia and then going in the coffee shop.
So... We can say that I was stalking everybody yeah, except THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!
I mean, my ex-cute-and-beautiful-boyfriend!America!
It's actually late... I should go home. But this stupid bus never come in time!!!
I was waiting alone... But then, someone come closer towards me, when I noticed it, I turned my head directly at his direction and... He stopped. It was Mexico!... Well well well...! What is he doing here?


"You saw them too?"


Mexico look at me and ask again the question: "... You saw Russia and America kissing too. Right?"
When he asked me that, in the ton of his voice, it was... Empty. No emotions! Not anger, sadness, happiness... Nothing!
"... Yes." I say and look over for the bus.
He came closer to me.
I look down at him, he is really short haha! That's not... Uhm... Funny... Sorry for short people. ;-;
Anyway, then he tell me this: "You want America right?"

"... Yeah?"

"And I want Russia, so, we can be allies."

"... What do you mean?"

"We can collaborate and try, maybe, something else then their break up thing...!"

I wasn't sure... It's like... A contract? But I can't really trust Mexico... Our relation isn't stable too.
But I agreed. He can really help.
"Okay... I trust you."

"Fantastic! We can talk about this another time! See you again China." And then gets in the bus and go.
And he didn't told me...!
I sighed and go home, walking.
Mmmmh... Maybe... A rumor can work maybe?

I hope you like this chapter!(◡ ω ◡)
It's short and I'm sorry about it! I will try to get inspiration ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
And I will write more(。•̀ᴗ-)✧


๑Not the same love๑ AU (♡Rusame ship♡ Countryhumans) FINISHWhere stories live. Discover now