•A new conflict?•

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I don't know if we say ONU or UN... So, I write ONU hehe ಥ‿ಥ
If it's false, you can tell me thank you!(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Also, I love this anime and the opening(◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

Mexico's POV

I'm lonely next to the buffet eating a mini cake. It's actually good. I glanced at everyone to see who were at this meeting. I couldn't find Russia. Or America. Well, if they aren't together, hugging like always, this means they're late. I see China coming and just behind him, Russia.
I don't know how to kill China btw... I was thinking about it for so long but... He is always close to Russia and America or Canada. It will be hard. Russia seem pissed off by China who's talking to him. But anyway... I don't want to talk with them. By them, I don't mean just Russia and China, but also America, Canada and... Uh... That's all. But it's already something...! I can't imagine if something happens tonight... I mean, something between Russia and America. If they make a scene of kissing and all those stuff, I will be very disgust about it...! Ewwww...!
Before this convention, Russia started to get closer and closer to me. I don't know if it's just my thoughts but, I like it anyway~! I see America and his family coming in the room, talking to each other. I wonder if they will notice me...
"What's up Mexico? You look worried."
Uh?! I almost choked! I turn my head on my right for seeing who said that. It's Argentina. He is a little bit taller than me but... I DON'T CARE OKAY?! Anyway... He look at me with a smirk and then hand me a wine glasses: "You're sad about what happened with Russia and you... Again uh?" I look at him surprise and angry, taking the glasses: "No! What the hell?! I forgot about our relationship! I don't care about it now...! If he is happy with America, I'm happy too... Of course...!" I think it's evident to see the opposite...
He giggle and tell me not to worry about them. He pointed me America: "Don't you see him without his lover?" I look at America and then at Argentina confused: "What do you mean?"
I think about it...


"THEY BROKE UP??!" I scream.
Some of the countries look at us... Including Russia, America, China and Canada...
"SHHHH!!! Can you control your emotions jeez...?!" Argentina say. I was... So happy! And confused too...! But more happy of course hahaha!!!
I look over Russia, he was looking at me for a second and then turn back his head. I should go talk to him! No... Wait Mexico...! I don't want to make a scene or anything...! I will just talk about the time, the weather... And uh... Yeah! That's all!
"Excuse me then Argentina, I will go talk to Russia!" I gave him the vine glasses and go towards Russia confident. But out of NOWHERE!!! Canada interrupt me but not on purpose: "H... Hey Mexico! How are you?" He say smiling. I smile back and tell him I'm good and if he is too. He nodded and handed me a box: "Can... Can you uhm, open it now please?" He say shyly. I don't have all the time! But I'm going to open it anyway. Inside, there is a small ring. I immediately looked at Canada, blushing. he laughed and told me that this is not a proposal for marriage. But just a small gift to please me. I looked at the ring again, it is beautiful...! Above, there is a small jewel on one side blue and the other green. This is the greatest gift I have ever had! But also the most strange... I never saw a friendship ring I presume...? I put it in the box and put it in my pocket: "Thank you Canada! It's a very nice gift!" I gave him a little kiss on his cheek and then I left in the direction of... You know who...!~

Canada's POV

I'm so happy!!! I run towards my brothers and tell them everything: "GUYS!!! HE ACCEPTED MY GIFT!!!" I say giggling. "Wow! I'm so happy for you... Hahaha!!!" Say Australia. New-Zealand smile and then continue to play on his Nintendo. Yes, he come with his Nintendo!
America didn't say anything...: "And you America...? Aren't you happy for me?" I say a bit sad. He notices me and apologies, he looks a bit lost I think. He's just looking at... Russia I guess. I looked behind me to see where he is (Russia). I saw him with a bottle of something in his hand and around him, there are China, North Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and... Mexico ?! They are all speaking a bit at the same time, except Russia, which only listens to Mexico. I see them laughing... China seems disturbed by the presence of Mexico. But Mexico, he doesn't care much about China. They look at each other as if they were going to attack each other any minute. I felt a bit sad... But I still want to spend time with Mexico! Just for this evening! I just hope he will come towards us once... After all, me and America, we are his neighbors!
America say he is going to the bathroom. I nodded and smiled.
He smiled back and them run towards the bathrooms... He looks... Really sad...!

๑Not the same love๑ AU (♡Rusame ship♡ Countryhumans) FINISHWhere stories live. Discover now