•Who's killing?•

843 19 15

It's the morning.
There's just the relaxing sound of the wind and the song of birds.
It's cold outside and there's a little bit of snow falling on the ground.

Canada's POV
⌒(≧▽​° )

It's 9:00AM and...-
Wait... WHAT??!??!?! IT'S 9:00 AM I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!!
I get up and change myself quickly, didn't take a shower, a breakfast nothing! Even brushing my teeth! I run down the stairs and take my backpack and run outside. "Why... Why?! I'm normally never late!!!" I wait at the bus stop. I talked to myself... Again! "Oh hey Canada."
Wait... I know this voice... Russia?!
I look up at him: "How can you be late too? You sleep with America last night!" I say. He tell me that he got up at 2:00 AM and went to his house after "that". I ask after they sleep? He tell me yeah. Well, we're late now sooooo... That's suck...! Grrr... I try to stay calm because I'm really angry now! At myself not to Russia. Why would i be angry to him? I think he is... Nice. I hope, for my brother. And i also hope him and Mexico are friends now! Wait, i can ask Russia right?: "Do you know if uh, America and Mexico are friends now?"
He laugh a little bit but then take the question seriously: "Of course no. And now, i think never...".
Oh. Well, that's uh, quite sad... But i have a last question: "You... You love Mexico or America?"
He look at me quickly after i aks him. And he sighs: "I... I don't know...". Great Canada! You ask a really personal question and now there's an awkward silence between us!
"Where is this fucking bus?"
I giggle, he look at me and giggle too.
He is nice.

Mexico's POV
☆⌒(≧▽​° )

There's geography class now. And Russia is still not there! Where's he? America is next to me in class, maybe, no, I'm sure he know where he is so i ask him. He tell me he didn't know: "Come on, you went with him last night!"
"Yeah, but i still don't know where he is!"
"Shut up!"
Wait... Who say that??? I turn my back and it's Japan. She look at us with an angry look. By the way, we whispered so how can she hear us??? Anyway, i look at the time, waiting my dear love... *sigh*
"Shut up!"
What- What the hell did he say??
"Stop sighing." America say.
Now, i want to kill him right now!!!

Nobody's POV
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The class is over and it's lunch time. Russia and Canada arrive just now and go see EU for apologies. After lunch, where nothing special happen, it's time for PE lesson, the worst for some people and the best lesson ever for the others.

America's POV
☆⌒(≧▽​° )

I love PE!!! I can finally show to Russia my skills! My real skills, not the skills from last night...~ Anyway! We're going to play basketball! I'm good at this! Mexico go tell to the teacher that his arm hurts so he can't play right now. He find always an excuse! And of course, his little group of friends follow him. Pfff... At least Russia is here~. The match start and i already hate my team... I mean, what the hell is Germany doing alone in the corner waiting for the ball?? (That's me in the gym ówò) And Canada is scared of the ball! And there's me in the middle of THEM! Urghh... it's just a game America... Don't worry...!

At the end...
We loose. But we're second! So it's okay... Russia's team is first. There's Russia (of course), India and China. Wait... China?! I didn't saw him in the match! How?!?! Uh... Anyway...! Mexico is better now but in the end of the lesson... Of course... By the way, where's Turkey?? He was there at the beginning! Meh, it's nothing i guess! I ask to the teacher and he tell me that he was sick, he go to the nurse's office. Oh. Okay. Now i know. Anyway, it's maths lessons now!!!... Woohoo... Boohoo... Okay i stop. :^)

Mexico's POV
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Turkey's not okay uh?... It's my chance to kill him...! If tou wonder why him??? Well, he was in love with Russia once... Well, not today, but he was so, i can't let this happen again.

๑Not the same love๑ AU (♡Rusame ship♡ Countryhumans) FINISHWhere stories live. Discover now