•A surprise meeting•

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Mexico's POV

I was going to the bathroom but I think I will stay in the corridors... I don't want to go talk with EU... It's just... Weird and I don't like him... I know, it's our director but I feel better with... With the other one... ONU. I search for him but I think they're all in the teacher's office so... I just wait in the bathroom. I know that Canada will be sad but I don't really care... Anyway, the bell just ring so I wait a little bit more and go out.
Nobody ask me where I was because I immediately jump in the classroom when the teacher open it.
I could see Canada looking at me but I didn't look at him back... I don't know if I like him or I still have feelings for Russia... Anyway, I don't want to think about my relationships... I just... Need Russia... To feel his presence... And to appreciate it... I love him... I would die for him... I would kill for him.

America's POV

School and lessons were quick for once!
And hell yeah it's Christmas holidays in a few days!!! I hope I will pass this year, my grades are... Well, not that bad but I have a really bad situation with maths lessons... Everybody likes it in my class but for me, it's Chinese! Oh! And talking about Chinese, China and Russia were looking at each other in class. I don't know why those two fight EVERYDAY! I appreciate how Russia don't fight back and talk... Soft, sweet... The opposite of China. China is and always be a jealous person. For friends or relationships. When we were together, he always wanted to know where I was and with who. He have no trust in anybody... Even ME! His ex-boyfriend! But uh... Anyway, I walked home with Russia and Canada. We were talking about class, what are we going to do during holidays and then... Mexico. Always Mexico. I hear what?... MEXICO! EVERYWHERE!!! Well, Canada start to talk about him. At lunch, he didn't come and this was perfect! But he was sad. So it was uh... Sad yeah... But then Russia tell us about his relationship with Mexico before me. He tell us, but more for me, that Mexico isn't a bad person. And then he start giving personal opinion on him like: He is sweet when you know him better! Or, how nice he was with him but it didn't work! I had enough and walked faster. I don't fucking care about him. I don't like him okay?! It's not that complicated!!!
Canada like him, okay... But not me! And if Mexico and Canada are together... Ewwww!!! I don't want to think about it anymore!
We arrived at home and said goodbye to Russia. I hugged him and kissed his cheek too. He blushed and ran directly at his home. I giggled and we entered the house. Australia and New-Zealand were already at home and our parents went working. So we take the afternoon break and eat hamburgers and French fries. School start at 13:45 so we have enough time.

Russia's POV

I actually didn't went home... I go to the coffee shop. Where's the coffee is delicious! I take a coffee and sit next to the window. I'm on my phone and turn back my head at the window.
I see... Mexico?! We were talking about him lately with America and his brother and now he is here?! Coincidence? Yeah totally...
Actually, it's the coffee shop that we went everyday when we were together... He enter but didn't notice me. I take a sip of my coffee and look away. I want to call him but... Uh... I don't know... He take his order and go sit in the opposite way of mine. He just look at a magazine and drink his cappuccino. Okay... Go talk to him!... Maybe I will be friends with him again!...
So, I get up with my coffee in one hand and my phone in the other.
"Uh... Hey Mexico!" I say hesitant.
He look up at me and gasp: "Oh! Hey Russia, I didn't saw you when I entered!" He say. "Yeah... Uh, I saw you and I wanted to ask you if I can sit with you." I respond. He agreed and we start to talk. Talking about school, family things like that... I wanted so bad to ask if he is friend or at least, talk to America... But I don't think it's a good idea... I just ask him if he heard about the murder. I was so sad when I hear about Philippines at first. But then, Turkey! And Japan! I was choked I say.
He look at me and say it's a sign and giggled a bit. I... Didn't know what he was talking about but it's not funny at all... Three of my friends are DEAD: "It's not funny Mexico! What the hell are you giggling for?" I say angrily.
He stopped: "Look, if it's someone from the school, I can protect you." He say seriously. I let a little laugh: "Wh- What do you mean? You think it's someone from our school?" I ask. He nodded but not sure. Then, a long silence came and we just drink our drinks. I could see him looking at me blushing sometimes. It's cute... But I love America now. Yeah, at first I really hated him but now, I think he is adorable... Annoying yeah... But cute. It's thanks for him for helping me with my cold personality!
After 10 minutes I think, I ask him if his relationships are advancing, for uh... Any reason actually... He looked embarrassed.
Ow... I shouldn't talk about it...
"I'm okay I guess... I mean, I can't forget our relationship, it's too precious for me... And, I really want this to happen again... But I know it's impossible now... But I just wanted to ask you..." He approached me really really close and whispered to me:
"If your lover is gone, would you date me forever?"

What? What does he mean about that?
That's awkward but mostly scaring!
Why...- Who would ask that kind of question!?
He backed away and smiled at me innocently. I... I don't know what to say... Or what to do now!!! I just smiled but awkwardly: "Oh!... Uh... I forgot that I have something to do this afternoon!"
"But we have school this afternoon."
"Uh... Yeah but uh... After school I meant! See you later then...!" I finally say and get up. I run outside really embarrassed. And for him, he just look at me go and smile at me again when I was outside. He is creepy sometimes...

China's POV

I'm so tired of school and keeping my love away from this stupid russian!...
Oh... Wait a minute... Did I just say my love? I really have feelings for America... Again! I want to be with him but... It's too late... And it didn't work the first time so... I should maybe change...
Nah...! It wasn't my fault anyway!!!
I continue to walking to my house then, I suddenly saw Russia on the street looking strangely: "Hey! Russia!!" I scream. He look over, at me and frowned. I walk towards him: "Hey...! Are you going to school?" I ask. He didn't answer.
Well, he is very friendly, I can see!...
"... No, I will skip school this afternoon..." He say.
Oh. "What the hell do you want??" He then yelled at me angrily.
"Wow... Calm down!... I'm just trying to appreciate you a bit for America...!"
He look at me intrigued and angry: "What do you mean?"
"I mean, if we're friends, he will be happy. It's all I want for him. I know you're his boyfriend and all but... I hope you and Mexico will be together again!"

Russia's POV

What the hell is he saying??
"What are you talking about? Me and Mexico is over long time ago!" I say angrily. He look at me curiously: "Is that so? I saw you too in the coffee shop and talking to each other."
I swear if he say something to America about it... H E I S D E A D.
I close my eyes and explain that it was friendly. We're just friends. If I open my eyes, I will punch him in the face!
"Hahaha!!! Really?? You two talked a long time!" He say giggling.
I grabbed his collar: "If you want to be alive before the end of this holidays, you better shut the hell up right now... Okay?" He backed me away and looked at me with disgust. We passed our way with a cold look at each other.
This day can't be already wors-

Suddenly, my phone rings: "Am... America?"

I literally love, like really, like, you can't imagine!!!-
*Cough* sorry uh... The cover!
It's a beautiful coffee shop!ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ
I hope you like this chapter too!~


๑Not the same love๑ AU (♡Rusame ship♡ Countryhumans) FINISHWhere stories live. Discover now