Chapter 1 Forever Scarred

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Aura's narration

It didn't take long for the new child to start growing and see the world around him.

Going from being carried to crawling, and crawling to barely walking.


Normal POV

A one year old Aura was slowly walking towards his dad, who had his arms open for him.

Orion smiled at him. "Come on son, you can make it."

Aura walked clumsily, not used to using his legs at the time.

He tripped over some, but Orion stopped Lyra after seeing something.

Aura was trying to get himself up.

He was messing up a few times, but he got back on his feet again in no time.

Aura walked a few more steps, getting into his father's arms.

Later inside the hut...

Orion was with Lyra at the table as Aura played with his stuffed animal.

Orion broke the ice soon. "I had the doctor look at our son recently."

Lyra looked at him with slight concern. "What troubles you?"

Orion looked at his son playing. "He confirmed that Aura hasn't felt any panic or pain since birth. Not even a single tear."

Lyra sighed. "Just let it go, my love. Doesn't he deserve to be happy?"

Orion nods. "Yes, he does. But he needs to be ready to face trials at some point. If I hide him from his sadness and anger, it will come back to claim him later."

Lyra wrapped her arms around him and tried to rub his aches out. "He's barely a year old. Give him time before you scare him."

Orion looked at her. "I will, but we need to be there for him when things do come crashing down."

Lyra kissed his cheek. "We will always be with him. What could possibly separate this family?"

They continued watching Aura play as the sun shined through.


Aura's narration

Unfortunately, that promise was broken one day... the worst way possible.


Normal POV

2 years later

Aura was with his parents as they tried to work the field.

Orion was trying to plow the ground while Lyra was planting seeds and watering them.

Aura tried carrying the water bucket, despite how heavy it was, only to fall over and dump the water on himself.

Lyra giggled while Orion looked from where he was to grin at Aura.

Lyra helped Aura up. "Go dry off, Aura. We will be here when you get back."

Aura nods. "Okay mama!" He said as he ran off to find a cloth.

Orion finished plowing and went to join his wife. "Three years old and he's already like you. Kind, caring and adventurous."

Lyra smiles and shook her head. "He's more like you."

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