13- The Sorting Hat

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They were at Hogwarts.

Percy, Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Neville all shuffled out of the train together, and into the growing crowd outside the train doors. While the people around them were all looking for their friends, and pets the might of escaped their cages, the group of five all hung together trying not to get separated.

In the distance they heard a familiar snooty and obnoxious voice talking louder than necessary.

Apparently the five weren't the only ones to hear it all well. There were either two different reactions to hearing his voice. One was the curious wanderers who wanted to see what was going on, which was mostly the younger kids. And the other were eye rolls, and head shacking, which was mostly the older kids

"And then I had to save my friends Ron, I was like Prince Charming, and he was like the damsel in distress." Harry's snooty voice said through out the group. "And after I saved him, I saved everyone else who was there, and I also fought off an entire horde of mer people. They had razor sharp teeth and beady red eyes, and claws as long as your quills. And I fought them all off single handily so my friends can get safe, and somehow I still ended up in first place, also, might I say, with the most points!" He exaggerated. But to all the people who weren't there, were sucking up every word of it, while those who were there, rolled their eyes so hard, it was a wonder it didn't get stuck up in their heads. 'jeez' they all seemed to think, 'what the hell happened to the Harry Potter we know, cause that's certainly not him' 

"And once I broke the surface the entire place went wild. A lot of people even swooned for me, a couple of people even fainted!" Harry added

"C'mon," Percy said. "I think we all heard enough." The five all followed his advise and went to the chariots drawn by the thestral, the mystical death horses. Horses being a key word, you see for Percy a son of Poseidon has it's pros and cons, A pro being able to talk to horses (they make excellent conversationalists), the con talking to horses with a bunch of clear sighted mortals (that draws a lot of unwanted attention for someone trying to keep a low profile.)

Once the thestral all caught sight of the son of Poseidon, other wise know as Percy, otherwise known as their prince, other wise known as boss. All the horses dropped to on their to front legs, in the horse equivalent to bowing, with their heads dipped and their wings tucked into the backs it seemed they were not just kneeling, but they were bowing at someone. And that someone happened to be Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, their prince, and one of theirs boss. 

Percy tried to look as inconspicuous as possible, but was failing miserably. It was pretty obvious to who, the horses were bowing to.     

Percy quickly grabbed Ron and Neville's hand and dragged them to an open carriage, and away from the view of others. The two girls following behind them. Hermione with narrowed eyes, and Luna with her usual dreamy look. 

At first Percy didn't know if he was suppose to go with the first years on the boats, but no one told him differently so he just went with his new found friends. 

They all entered the carriage, and Percy, after sitting and blocking out the thestrals loud voice, which mostly consisted of 'Thank you so much!' and 'I'm so honored I get to assist the lords son!' was immediately pelted by questions from Hermione. Which reminded him way to much of Annabeth for his liking.  

"Why did the thestrals bow to you?" Hermione's  first question came out. Followed by many more, pretty much following the lines of 'Can you see them?' 'If so who did you loose?' 'Can you speak to them?' 'Why weren't you fazed by their existence?'. Percy quickly shut Hermione up by holding up a hand to her in the universal way of saying stop. It did the trick, but it definitely didn't wipe off the curious look on her face. Percy quickly came up with a lie and decided to go with it.

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