12- Hogwarts Express: Part 2

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Hermione POV:

I can't believe Harry! Planning on ditching Percy like that. It's just not right! Percy is actually a very nice person, and he definitely doesn't deserve Harry's harassment. The thing I don't get is, I know Percy can stand up for himself, I've seen him do it before, yet he just lets Harry talk all that shit about him and acts like he deserves it, and that defiently doesn't help with Harry's already skyscraper of an ego. Percy' s a tough case that I am planning to crack, in doing so, making sure his self esteem goes a little higher too.

3rd Person POV:

Percy, Ron, and Hermione all sat in their compartment, talking about what house they think Percy would be in. Ron thinks either Slytherin (in a good way) or Hufflepuff, while Hermione thinks either Ravenclaw or Gryffindore. The thing is Percy has pretty much all the traits the houses are looking for.
All of them sat there talking, and as the train went out of the station, the compartment door swung open, startling all three of them. In the doorway stood Luna and Neville. To which Hermione greeted. The too sat down next to Hermione, Percy and Ron on the other side.
"Hello Neville, Luna, I hope you had a great summer!" Hermione said, exited to add to their friend group, glad that Harry didn't take away all her friends.
"Hey Hermione, quick question, but does Harry seem a little, I don't know different to you?" Neville asked, to which Luna nodded along to.
"Yeah, he seem a bit more, rude. He doesn't seem like himself." Luna added in, in her usual dreamy voice.
Hermione nodded to what the two were saying.
"It does seem so, he is rather arrogant lately." Hermione realized, and Ron nodded along eagerly, already making the connection.
"Probably let all the fame get to his head if you ask me"
"Oh I almost forgot, Luna, Neville, meet Percy." Introduced Hermione. When Percy didn't respond Hermione waved a hand in front of Percy s face just realizing the teens eyes were glossed over. Slowly the natural color came into them. Shaking his head, Percy looked around the room.
"Sorry Hermione, ADHD, were you saying something?" Hermione just laughed at that.
"Yeah we have company. Percy meet-"
"Luna?! Neville!? Is that really you?!" Percy asked alarmed.
"Percy?!" They both screached alarmed.
"Oh man, we didn't know it was you man!" Neville said, looking like someone just handed him a bucket of blue ice cream in Percy s opinion.
"That's alright, I'm so glad to see you guys, it feels like forever. When was the last time we've seen each other? 2 3 years maybe" Percy asked, the two just shrugged. All three of them, got up and hugged each other, giddy smiles on their faces.
"Wait wait, you guys know each other?" Hermione asked, after getting over her bewilderedment.
"Yeah, Luna and Neville used to go to the same summer camp with me back in America a few years back." Percy informed her.
"So Percy what are you doing in Britain, bit that I'm not unhappy or anything, just surprised, that's all!" Neville reassured.
"No no it's all good, just apparently I'm the grand son of some one named, Moldy shorts, or something, I don't know?" Percy said, trying to remember the name, but failing badly.
"Wait wait, your the grandson of you know who? Dam man you have the worst of luck!" Neville laughed, surprising Hermione, because she expected a bigger reaction than that.
"Tell be about it." Percy sighed.
The thing is both Luna and Neville went to camp, but had to stop due to the war in the wizarding world, apparently the government was keeping to close of an eye on the students, much more to the gods liking, so they decided to have them stay in England. Luna and Neville are both demigod, Luna a daughter if Iris, goddess of rainbows. Neville, a son of Demeter, the goddess of harvest and plants.
All five of them chatted, until Hogwarts came into sight, they changed into their robes. Percy stayed in the compartment, refusing to pit on any thing that restrict much movement, which Luna and Neville understood, if a monster came, he'd need to be ready.
The train came to a stop and all of then exited the train.
They were at Hogwarts.

Thanks for reading, by now!
Feel free to comment what house Percy should be in, if not I'll just wing it like I do with everything else.

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