9- Now you listen here Harry...

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Percy's POV:

After we had a nice bowl of ice cream (blue of course) we decided it would be a good idea to start heading back. Tomorrow we're going to be at Hogwarts. I was chatting with Ron and Ginny while Harry and Hermione trailed along, each looking like their thinking of something. I mean sure the whole wand thing was cool and all, but you'd think they'd be used to it by now right?
We quickly made it to the floo powder station thing, I really don't know what it's called. We each tool turns getting to the Burrow, until it was only me and Harry left. Just before I grabbed a handful Harry stopped me by pitting a hand in my shoulder.
"I don't care who you think you are l, but you better better as hell stay away from my friends, or I swear to whatever holy being' s that are up there that I will find you and I will kill you. When we get to Hogwarts your going to stay out of my way, and your going to stop trying to up me. You hear me Persues, I'll kill 'ya." He growled, while tightening his grip with each sentace, until his knuckles were whites, he shot me his best glare, probably thinking it was scary. I met his glare head on with mine, giving him one of my weak glares, until he lowered his gaze to the ground.
"Now you listen here Harry, you need to shape up your ego. If you really want to be some hero to these people, you got to act like one, and this is certainly not how a hero acts. Listen up real clear now Harry, I am not trying to go you or whatever. You came to me, you came to MY home asking for me to come with you. So you need to shut the fuck up, or I'll do it for you." I said in a low voice. With that I grabbed a handful of floo powder and tossed it down and said what I was suppose to, and disapered inside the eruption of green fire.

Ok so I'm in a car and had nothing else to do so I decided I'd update this.


Any who I know this is short, but i think I'm gonna do short chapter like these now, so I'll be able to post note chapters! Bye now!


Percy Jackson, Grandson Of Moldy ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now