I teared off the wrapping paper and a pair of shoes were waiting to be worn. Hoseok came next, with a flat and flimsy package.

"Happy birthday!", I opened his present too. A t-shirt.

It was Jimin's turn next and he handed me another flimsy package. Opening it, sweatpants revealed themselves.

"Thanks.", I muttered as I ripped Jin's present find a sweatshirt. Is this like a set of clothes that they planned to buy together but give me separately?

Jungkook gave me a small box. A custom face mask. And finally Yoongi gave me the largest present of all, minus the longboard: a backpack.

"Did you guys plan this or is this a coincidence?"', I was shocked to see all the members so in sync without my help.

"Actually it was all her idea.", Yoongi said as he pointed to Y/N.

"I guess I'll be wearing this when going long boarding then."

"Longboard-dancing actually.", Y/N corrected.

"Who wants cake?", I shouted, a goofy smile spreading across my face.

"Awwww! Your dimples are on show. Stop making me jealous!", Jimin joked.

"Me, me! I want cake!", Tae screamed. 

Suddenly he was high on air, or maybe the happiness in the air. Only he knows what. I tried to stop smiling but even after physically trying to turn it upside down, it wasn't going. 

Your POV

Did I mention that I actually did computing in school? Yes, the random messages were personally programmed phenomenas. Namjoon trying to longboard-dancing is one sight I won't forget. He keeps on falling and skidding about. I'm starting to wonder how I learnt how to do it even with my shared talent of destruction. Longboard-dancing requires a lot of undestruction or whatever the word for it is.

"I can't do this!", Namjoon shouted as he hopelessly sat on the floor.

"Come on. Try one more time.", I helped him up and placed him on the longboard, "Like this. Don't put too much pressure on the board or else the extra gravitational weight will keep you from gliding."

He tried again but landed in a heap in the corner. His board had overturned, revealing the bright letters I had written on its underside. The perfect timing.

"I hadn't noticed this before.", Namjoon said as he picked up the board and read it, "Be there at six, by the River Han, it'll be waiting. That's what it says. Is this a day-long riddle?"

"Maybe.", I answered. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered around so fast as I thought of the evening I'd planned for the both of us, "Shall we head to where it says then?"

"Okay I guess.". We ordered a taxi to take us there, cautious to make sure that the mask he was wearing was covering as much of his face as possible. 

"You know I'm doing a lot more than I've ever thought I'd try doing because of you.", he whispered as we sat in the back of the car. 

We could have taken a disguised BigHit car but I decided that this day, I wanted him to feel like a normal person again. A person who can live without the fears of being seen in the streets and having to run. 

"Is that a good thing or bad?"

"Very good. Dangerous but good nonetheless. Never have I ever thought about taking a normal taxi to somewhere as busy as the banks of River Han. Never without security and only the protection of a mask."

"Well I'm glad you're experiencing new things with me.". We payed the taxi driver and I prayed that everything was going to plan. 

One, two, three... I closed my eyes.

"Come this way.", I guided Namjoon through the streets. 

And just like I hoped, a small boat was waiting for us by the riverbanks, decorated with fairy lights.

Namjoon POV

Y/N had planned so much for us today. I'm so happy she's my soulmate. Half a day with the boys and half a day with her. She'd meticulously planned everything out, making sure she didn't steal me away from the boys but she also managed to make time for just us two. Or maybe she didn't meticulously plan out anything, knowing her, she would never do that. Maybe she just planned everything out and hoped it would fit together. Maybe that. I walked on to the boat which quavered slightly under my weight. And after that, I can't remember anything. The night had fleeted past too fast and I wished that it would last a little bit longer. Thank you moonchild for making this the best night ever.

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